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This week I worked on and completed another free roam event, I also posed animations and static renders.

Free roam events require a lot of manual labor, especially when I have to create new environments.

Here are some samples taken from the free roam events in Episode 4.

The completed animation count is currently at 80 animations. I have approximately 30-40 animations left to produce.

1201 static renders have been produced.

Overall, I'm starting to move more towards producing art instead of writing code when I work.

Codewise, Episode 4 is bigger than Episode 3 and I have a couple of scenes that aren't fully written, yet.

The episode is mapped out, which means I have a to do list that is shrinking instead of growing.

The development is taking more time than Episode 3 due to the size of the episode in combination with longer and more animations.

Next week I will focus on posing static renders and animations.

Have a great weekend

Dr PinkCake



ETA? :D even if its just a guess


As much as i will miss livin with my favorite girl Maya, roomin with Derek is going to be awesome! That room looks fun as hell and love the deer head 😂 such good memories with my bro.

Julian Harper

I dunno, he goes full time and the updates just take longer and longer... pfffftt!!! (I'm joking, the renders look great) :)


I like the romantic aspects the most but like with Liam in 'Acting Lessons' and now Derek; a good bromance is hard to beat - diks before c.... 😅


Jill is the best girl. I need more content with her.


I need my daily dose of Maya :3. Great work as always <3.

Bruce Vahl

Shouldn't there be two coolers of beer in that middle picture? Maybe because the MC carried his guitar to Derek's room, he couldn't manage his beer cooler as well. I guess he'll have to go back and get it... ... :)

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 💗


Can't wait to see how the HOTs'll react with the MC living with them!


Always amazed by your work.

Wild Buck

Please don't take this the wrong way because your game is probably the best of its kind. But if the free roam events take up so much time why not ditch them in favour of creating additional characters, scenes, and story lines? I can't speak for everyone but I personally find the free roam scenes don't add anything to the experience except frustration. This is because you often have to play the game through several times to get all the scenes and they're so time consuming.


Because it's an important part of the game. Everyone likes different and I respect your opinion, but I'm making the game of my dreams not anyone else. Free roam events elevate the game, gives you a breather, allows you to use the phone which has a big purpose in the game. They make a Visual Novel into something different and fresh. Simply by removing the free roam events, wouldn't get you the update faster. Renders (animations) will always be the bottle neck. Besides, you're asking to add other content instead of free roam. That is not speeding up an update either, that's just shifting content. If you don't enjoy replaying the game, you could hack renpy and use the console to unlock what you missed.

Wild Buck

I suggested ditching them in favour of creating addition characters, scenes, and story lines. I didn't suggest ditching them to cut down in development time. Yes you're the developer but to say you're making this exclusively for yourself is offensive to everyone contributing their money to your game. You don't have to do as I ask but at the very least don't insult me for making a suggestion.


I like the free roam... it is well integrated into the game and allows you to play the minigames and do some side events/receive texts/etc. It provides some balance. And I don't think he is trying to be offensive; most artists say that they are trying to make their vision for their work. He gives contributors some input and I always appreciate his updates.


I agree with Anton Rey. Like the free roam too :)


I completely disagree with Mark Wong, i dont think it is offensive for him to say he is making a game for himself. I think too many creators bow down to the pressure from the contributors and they lose sight of there original purpose/Design. He makes the best games ive ever played. I thoroughly enjoyed Acting Lessons and i am thoroughly enjoying Being Dik. I enjoy the free roaming events, but even if i did not i would not ask him to change something that is integral to the game. i will give you an example, i use to love the old fighting mini game, every time i replayed the game i would play the fighting mini game and all opponents at every opportunity. The new fighting system i dont enjoy as much, thankfully i have quick reflexes so i dont find it difficult and i have seen all the scenes. Its just i dont actually enjoy playing it. But i havent complained about it because i can understand that not everyone enjoyed the original mini game. Thankfully i still have my old downloads of the original game so i can play the original fighiting mini game to my hearts content. Keep up the great work DrPinkCake, I'm just happy to be along for the ride :)


I can understand Doc being defensive of his vision for this game after the shitstorm he got with Acting Lessons (which I thought was an amazing game). But I don't think he was trying to insult you, Mark Wong.


I'm sorry if you took that as an insult Mark, it wasn't meant to be that. This sentence has been on my front page since day one of doing this "I create these games for myself, but I love to share my creations with you." and I will always stand by it. Every day since I started doing this, fans/players/haters want to change things with the games I make. While I appreciate feedback and ideas, there is simply no way to satisfy 100% of players. That's why I've settled for making myself happy with my creations, because if I'm not happy creating them there would be zero motivation for me to work so hard on this game, giving up a huge part of my life to do this. There's nothing that burns a creator out faster than not loving what they do. I understand that I get huge support from patrons and you collectively make this possible for me to do. But that support doesn't mean that my creative freedom can be bought; no one is forced to donate. I've received plenty of offers to change things in my stories and games, some have offered me a lot of money for it. I've declined every single one of those offers. To be perfectly clear, I'm not cutting/skipping content/scenes with other characters in favor to add free-roams. I'm still making every single scene and piece of dialogue that I intended for each episode. If I removed free-roams, the episode would look the same minus the free-roam. I hope you understand and accept my apology.


Reading your post again Doc, there's absolutely nothing in it that could be even slightly perceived as being offensive or insulting. Mr. Wong is just mad he got rejected, get over it son.


Mark Wong your post is insulting to me .. see it doesn’t make sense 😁 Doc writes some personal thoughts and someone finds it insulting that reflects their own issues got nothing to do with Doc has my full support as a free developer to make content of his choosing! 😊

Wild Buck

There are almost 3000 people contributing a huge amount of money to make this game possible. I'm not phased by what anyone above has to say, the fact is that when you completely disregard feedback from the people who make this all possible it is offensive and ungrateful. None of us have to pay anything, these games are immediately posted on multiple websites upon their release for free. Yet we still give you our support, and I would hope that we are able to comment not only to give you some praise but also to offer suggestions and have an influence on the game, even if it is small. Of course you don't have to take one persons advice if it's not echoed by others, that would be ridiculous. However I maintain that it is disrespectful to all of us who pay to make this possible to say you make the game for yourself only.


I cannot wait to stay at Bella's house!....er maybe Sage's room.... damnit! I cant decide!


Dr pink cake quote "I create these games for myself, but I love to share my creations with you". 100% true, The day you do as others and do not do as you want, then you will lose inspiration. Over 97% possetive reviews by AL at Steem, there are few games that have such high ratings, you don't have to say more, look at the facts. Anyone who tries to make everyone happy will soon be unhappy. Quote of Frank Tyger “Being able to do what you want is freedom. Doing what you want is happiness”.

Wild Buck

If he creates them for himself and loves to share them then post them for free but it's a contradiction to say you do it for love and ask for money at the same time.


Mark Wong quote "There are almost 3000 people contributing a huge amount of money to make this game possible." I think that even if only 30 contributed, DPC would still do as he pleases, only that it would take 100 times as long. DPC should definitely not be grateful to everyone who contributes, We are grateful that he is so terribly good at making adult games. Thank you DPC, for gilding a couple of hours of happiness / emotion / tears / joy / anger.


I don't think he needs advice or anything. Because he really does his job very well. I can't really tell the pleasure I got from this game. I'm sure the others are having fun too. so you're the one who should show respect.


Best 3dcg over everything that exists! Masterpiece... and longer animations in Season 4 as well. I just might be a little bit crazy. The free roam event is just one of the 1000 reasons this game is legendary.


This is the update I'm most looking forward to!

Luca Zipfel

Well i have a super high chickscore, that made the choice easier

Wild Buck

Stefan good for you. You have your opinion and I respect your opinion. But guess what? Part of not being a bigot is respecting my opinion too. I made a comment to DPC and no one else so maybe mind your own business. Ali, I'm happy that you get "pleasure" from the game lol. But the same applies to you and everyone else who can't handle a different opinion to their own. I wanted to make some suggestions and now that I know DPC doesn't like suggestions or listen to them I'm going to withdraw my support. There is literally no point in supporting someone who doesn't listen to me and isn't grateful for my support.


I'm enjoying the free roams, but aren't the animations the true bottleneck? I would be more than satisfied with less animations if updates would be more frequent.

Wild Buck

Minengeschoss you would think that but it seems like the most time consuming part and the reason we wait so long for updates is that DPC is working so hard on the one part of the game that suffocates any arousal you've built up at that point. Because when I have my dick in my hand building sexual tension what I really want to do is stop all of that and walk around a room talking to jocks. Or climb buildings and find unlocked windows. That's right, I'm here to get off but also I'm a gamer who's sick of the state of the art graphics of the latest first person shooters or RPG's and get a massive thrill from point and click 2D games that I play while trying to have a wank.


The games aren't posted for free Mark. They are stolen and if you downloaded it for free you are a pirate. It is as simple as that. I do listen to feedback and appreciate it as well. Feedback changed the Brawler system, feedback helped me find and correct bugs. But what you have to understand is that Patreon isn't a marketplace with customers, it's a platform where creators can create what they want and if people enjoy the creations they support those projects. Saying that patrons must have a say in the product isn't what this is. It would be like patrons of Leonardo Da Vinci (yep, he had those) having a say in how he moved his paintbrush instead of letting him create and then enjoy his creations. This was never about money for me. I would do this project with 0 support, just like I started with Acting Lessons. However, having the support makes it easier and faster to do it and if people enjoy it that's a bonus. The game will go on with the elements that are in it and new things I come up with in the future. I will take the time needed to develop the updates, I'm really busting my ass daily doing it, even if it takes months per update. The game isn't a simple fap game either, the story will always be the heart and engine. If that's something you don't enjoy or want to support, you're better off looking for another game that you will enjoy. I'll gladly refund you the support if you feel fooled, I want happy and supporting patrons.


Got a couple of questions. Do you create the 3D models by yourself? What program are you using?


is it possible to try the game?


Salute homie, best game in this genre I've played to date


Dr. You are the best! I´m looking forward to Ep. 4!