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This week has been a mix of activities for me. I've written script and posed animations and static renders.

The script is ~70% finished.

For static renders, the current count is ~800.

Episode 4 has now surpassed Episode 3 in total duration of animations.

Episode 3 had animations for a total duration of 242 seconds. Currently, Episode 4 has 258 seconds worth of animations.

In regards to animation count (not duration),  I'm ~50% done. As you can see from this, Episode 4 will be packed with animations.

I'm really excited to show you all what the animation PC, that you helped me buy, has done for the game.

Poll news

It was a close poll until the very end, but Sage won the polls with 35% of the votes. Jill came in second place with 34% of the votes.

Episode 4 will include Special renders featuring Sage and Camila.

This far, no main or side girl has won a Special render poll twice.

The only girls yet to win are Maya and Quinn.

Another cosmetic poll will start later today.

Best regards

Dr PinkCake



Can't wait mate....its going to be legen.....wait for it....DARY!!!


just one question - you mention that you will make the brawle (fight) easier is that true and how will you do it?


I did make it easier in the patched version (v0.3.1). You can select from 3 different difficulties (Easy/Normal/Hard). If it is too difficult at Easy, upgrade DEX to get longer reaction time. Buying Counter attack early will also make life simpler while playing Brawler. I might tweak it further if there's a need for it.


Sage and Camilla best combo 😁👍


Keep up the top quality work!

Julian Harper

How can maya not have won?!? I do like the subtle animations you do, you wouldn’t think it but it really adds to the game

Julian Harper

To be fair, you have spoilt us with the selection. They are all hot in their own way, but for me, Maya is the winner :)


Can't wait to see what you have in store for us :)


Me myself is just drawn to the storyline, I don't really care who won the vote... Idk if it's weird but I am so much more interested in the story and where it will end than all the animations, although they are fantastic works. Really hope it will have a nice ending though, no one dies at least lol.

Paulo Ribeiro

Do you have a timeline for the release of ep4? Don't wanna sound like that guy that's trying to rush things, i'm just really excited for ep4.


Recently went through the first couple of episodes beingaDIK after really enjoying Acting lessons, and my goodness the animations are amazing on this one. As soon as I saw the Maya grinding scene I was like ooooft! And the texture quality is insane. So I’m excited to see more of these amazing animations! Keep up the awesome work man


I hear you, my biggest passions when it comes to creating these games are story and animations. I believe that every single detail contributes to the whole and makes the game better, that's why I spend a lot of time on other things than story, even if I can't wait to tell it.


I'm sure many are excited, I'm extremely excited about it myself. The way I work is that I make a frame of events for the episode. I try to do this early on. With that frame I know the content I need to put in the episode. I map out the lewd events and write detailed notes everywhere. Then I start building the episode with renders/animations and dialogue. When it's a work in progress like that, I don't know how big some scenes will get and how much renders/animations some scenes will need. That's why it's virtually impossible to say a date. I don't want to promise anything I can't keep, so the only thing I can do is to present the progress like I did in this post. I'm working as fast and hard as it is possible, this game is more than a hobby for me now. It's my job and a big part of my life. I will take it and my patrons/customers very seriously.


Thank you! I'm trying to improve constantly, always trying new things. I hope that the art gets even better with time.