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Animations, animations and more animations. That's been what I've been working on for the past week.

The script is approximately 30-40% written and the layout for the Episode is almost completed.

Static renders haven't been high priority, yet. The current count is 406.

Today the poll for side girl to be featured in Episode 4 special renders ended.

Camila won in all four polls. I will be posting her first preview on Sunday.

A new poll for deciding animation type for a main girl will begin shortly.

In other news, it looks like I will be working on my resignation speech in a not too distant future and that makes me very happy!

Have a nice weekend!


Dr PinkCake


Julian Harper

reasons for resigning? “I wanted to focus on being a DIK!”


Yes, to my boss. If I reach 2500 patrons I will quit my real job and work on Being a DIK full time.


To my point of view and you should you keep a part time job as a secure incomes money. Not like you don't deserve to work full time on your game. (Only play the first chapter then stop completly waiting for you to finish you story and stip messing with my brain for too long waiting what will happend next :-) ) but I mean, writing and developping game like that it's like show business, you can be on top one day and trap in infernal spiral the other day. Make sure you can do it witha bit of secure in life


I'm so glad that I found your games. Never before any adult game impressed me more than yours. The characters, the models, the animations and the story. Everything is so well thought through. I'm having a blast playing the game. Keep up with the fantastic work and I hope everything works out for your future plan.


Congratz on, hopefully, being able to resign soon. You deserve it - and good weekend to you too.


Don't tell other people how to live their lives. I'm sure Doc is aware of the risk that a such a move entails.


Just try to help. I really enjoy his work and would be sorry for him if have real life problem. All i said was advice. He take the final decision not me.


I wish you all the best brother. There's no doubt we'll hit that milestone and you should feel damn proud with all of the effort you put in on Acting Lessons and Being A Dik. I left job security about 3 years ago to work for myself and do things my way. I have not looked back and I'm happier now than I ever was. If you've got the means to do it, take the leap. You've got real talent, grow it. WTJ.


Holy shit Doc!!! Only 43 away. That is so awesome!! Thanks for the update and ROCK ON Brother!!

Eldon Freeman

It won't get you closer to your target (40 to go, now), but to celebrate your decision, I'll raise my pledge a couple of steps for a while! I am so impressed by your work, how a game like this can make me go from laughing out loud to almost a tear in my eye... You are absolutely one of the best!

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 💗


Thanks for the concern, but I wouldn't take this risk unless I could survive without pay for long enough to get another job. I've calculated how long I could survive for and even though it's a volatile income and I have a lot of expenses, I'm confident in the goal as stated.


Thanks a lot for that personal story and motivation. I hope that I too will get happier with this change in lifestyle. <3


Not necessarily on that order, haha.


Then i wish you the best. Reading your story. You deserve it :-)


Congratulation on your milestone DPC. You earn it and happy resignation from your current work. Please continue with your masterpiece as always

Aymeric Tual

Congratulations Sir DPC!!!