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Another week flew by. My PCs have been rendering a mix of animations and static renders and I have been writing a lot of dialogue.

The layout of the Episode is coming together and I can already tell it will be a big one, mostly due to the branches you probably have predicted based on Episode 3.

I don't have any details to share about the Episode at the moment, but I'm moving forward at a steady pace. I'm hoping to post the first preview of Episode 4 sometime next week.

Poll news

The winner of the poll this week, for a special event, was Rose.

Soon a new poll will start where +$10 patrons will decide which Side girl is featured in the special renders of Episode 4. Jade won last Episode so she can't win this time.

The new Patreon goal

This week I did some serious thinking about something that's been on my mind daily for the better part of this year.

I've decided that it's time to work towards making my dream a reality.

I want to work with game development full time and it's been a really hard decision to make since I would give up a job that I've worked all my life for, while risking job security.

But I have to be honest with myself, I'm working so hard for this and I know that I can't last doing both jobs at once, forever. Speaking long term, it's not healthy for me or my family and friend relations.

I want to do so much more for the game and really make Being a DIK as good as I possibly can make it, while also ensuring that I get more time to take care of my personal life that's been suffering.

That's why I've added the big goal to my Patreon page. Going all in on this project.

It's really scary for me, but life is too short to not take risks, especially if the result could mean total bliss.

If I reach 2500 patrons, I will resign from my IRL job and make game development my profession. 

This will mean that I can do more for the game and the community, but also guarantee that I will be able to finish what I have started.

This is a goal that will benefit all of us and your support has never been more important than what it is from this point going forward.

Have a great weekend

Dr PinkCake



Guys we gonna need that 2500 patrons. This guy has a gift and he cant waste it.👀


Big decision , but really glad to read these words . i like people the take some risk on life ,but in my opinion you deserve to be a professional developer


True fans will always support you! You make a great game, it really is different from the others. Keep up the good work!




Best of luck Pink, I know my $1 per month isn't much, but I'll keep supporting you as long as I'm able.


Thanks for the update Doc!! That is definitely a serious decision and one that I see you are taking seriously. Having retired from one job and working a second I can totally understand the levity you are putting in to this, but also understand what you want to do. Your family is most important and always comes first so I understand that they also agree or understand what you want to do. I am sure you will reach 2500 patrons and do what you love doing. I am not going anywhere and in this for whatever you have going on or for that next project you want to take on. =)


la crème de la crème, it will cost you to overcome this. He has my support, although the brawler's; I honestly feel great; and it is not that I would be interested if I could not put in place the tri-Alpha, especially Chad. And being able to vote with the $ 10 seems great to me.


I truly appreciate it! It's scary when you want to follow your heart when there's a huge risk involved. But if I didn't try I know I would regret it later on. I will do my best to keep you entertained! :)


I can say ... the risk might sound big, but I doubt you will have problems in the future. You have hands down the best adult game i played so far (and i played a lot). The way you tell stories is something differen. It is not only about the scenes ... I really do care about the decisions I make in your games. 2500 will be there sooner as you can imagine and that is something you defenitely earned due to hard work and dedication


Good luck on your transition to full time smut'ing! I mean that in the best way! I dabble in content creation myself and wish I had the success and confidence to be able to give up my IRL job!

Julian Harper

Wow that's a big step and I really hope you can live your dream, I don't think I could do something like that though. I sometimes wonder how some of the devs here manage making these games along with a full-time job as well as family/friends on top of it, that's a lot to juggle, and as you said, not healthy.


I know for a fact that the majority of devs work on top of this. There are a lucky few who can take this to a full time gig. It's often passion that fuels these projects.

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 💗


Good Luck DPC. It is great to see your hard work paying off.


Me and my monthly 25$ aren't going anywhere anytime soon Doc!!!


Thank you for this amazing experience.


I know my $10 isnt much... but you for sure got my support in helping you reach your dreams. Keep up the amazing and fantastic work.


Please know that it really makes a huge difference. It's a collective effort from all patrons that would enable me to do it. I'm really thankful for it! <3


Wow, sounds like a huge step you're going to take. Ever thought about a half time job? Just in case, you know...a little back-up? Besides that: Keep up the good work! ♥


I've always been an all or nothing kind of person. Also, my current job offers no such position. I would give this gig a full time try for as long as my savings would allow me to. If I notice that it's heading in the wrong direction I would have to rethink things, but I don't want to be a pessimist about it.

Heavenly Demon

That's a very big decision to make & since i do not know you IRL i just have to say i hope you fully thought this through. By that i mean after Being a DIK is completed & having some thoughts on your next game. As you have already demonstrated so far- in my opinion planning ahead & having a back up plan will be the key to success if you ultimately decide doing game development full time. So far you have proven to be able to make games with a compelling & engaging story & the quality of the game(s) especially Being a DIK is amazing. You have my full support & if i'm being honest you can definitely count on my $30 if this & future games are as good or nearly as good as Being a DIK. My personal advise:~ Make the games you want to, don't let patrons or fans choose too much of the story or other areas in which you are most passionate about. So many other devs have quit or their games become too generic after patrons & fans "demand" this & that. So far all your polls for Being a DIK are great as they give a little info & you control the overall story & atmosphere while patrons still feel invested. Godspeed to your current & future success.


You have done amazing work so far, but your health and your family always come first. I hope you get what you want and that you are able to create these games full time, you have a gift for this and i hope it all works out for you. All the best DrPinkCake.


Don't worry about ideas and caving to peer pressure. I did what I did with AL and I didn't see any negative effects on Patreon from it. I have a story that won't change just because I'd do this professionally. People who demand things can unsub, I'm too stubborn to cave in. For future games, I'm not even thinking about it yet since I want 100% of my brain to focus on Being A DIK and it will take me a couple of years to finish this journey. I'm sure I will fall in love with another game idea along the line and if I don't I could always go back to working normally at some point. Thank you for the thoughts and the support! It's indeed a big decision to make.

Alexander Hochbaum

Good luck with that, you would be a real win for the games industry. Especially in VN there are very few that can reach your level (at least that I know of, but I just been playing around 40 to 50 VNs so far). And I have to say (from a 30 year gamer perspective) the way you write interesting and deep chars I could easily see you doing your part with RPGs as a prime example. Maybe try your luck with companies like InXile or Obsidian if you are in that and want to have the best of two worlds (working for a company and doing game development). Whatever you do in the future, I'll keep on checking what you have in store for us and have yet wait to be dissapointed by your work.


I'm nothing short of impressed, love the work you do! Please never lose that touch of story telling you have.

DrPinkCake (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-27 17:28:40 I'll always try my best in my creations. <3
2019-09-07 07:55:38 I'll always try my best in my creations. <3

I'll always try my best in my creations. <3