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Woho! It's finally time for a vacation from my IRL job. It feels so good to be able to focus on the things I truly love for 5 weeks! To be able to wake up and know that I only have to work on the game, that's such a luxury!

I will start working on the game full-time, tomorrow, for one week. Then I will take two weeks "off" (working on the game max 6-8 hours per day, in between leaving for minor adventures), followed by another two weeks of full-time (14-18 hours daily) development.

I will really push and utilize this vacation well, both to get well-rested and to get Episode 3 ready for you; as well as to prepare for future development.

This week was hectic, but I managed to complete 4 scenes (~17 scenes remain) and I posed both static renders and animations.

At the moment, the render queue consists solely of animations. 37 animations are in the queue, to be exact. I have 10-15 animations left to pose and 50 animations are fully produced.

That will put the animation count at ~100 animations, as predicted last week. Animation progress is at 50%, but as soon as static renders are completed, I predict this progress to go much faster.

Current render count is 1771. I cannot estimate how many reders I have left to produce. AllI know is that it's definitely more than 2000 in total.

Script is currently sitting pretty at ~90-95%. It's longer than Episode 2, for sure.

Other improvements/tasks I really want/need to include in Episode 3 are:

- New Shuffle board tile sets

- New phone backgrounds

- New main menu screens

- Re-work the music during tests to be less intrusive

- Functionality for replaying scenes and watching unlocked special renders from the main menu

- Adding new characters to the bios app (The app as it is today, isn't coded properly for this. I blame past Dr PinkCake. He didn't plan ahead, well enough, when he coded this app.)

- Put the Episode 3 special renders into the game

- Enable replay of Episode 3 lewd scenes

- Add music/sound effects to remaining scenes

- Add bios for Episode 3 (and retroactively add it for characters in Episode 1-2. This won't affect your saved games, more than missing out on a bit of information in the bios app, if you choose to continue playing on your saved game.)

- Add stats and Episode summary for each main girl.

- Finishing touches on free-roams.

And probably some more tasks that I forgot to write on my to do list.

As you can see, I have plenty of work to do and my game plan is ready. But also, I've come really far into the development cycle and it's starting to feel like the final stretch.

Early July I will start the poll for Special renders: Main girl, where +$10 patrons will decide who gets featured in the special renders found during free roams and won in mini-games. And of course in the Vault, if you're playing with mini-games disabled.

I've waited for almost one year for the opportunity to work like this, again. I'm not going to let it go to waste! Let's go!

Have a nice weekend!

Dr PinkCake



You’re attention and commitment to detail is amazing, I look forward to seeing what episode 3 has in store for us. Enjoy your well earned break


Yeah you do such an amazing job. Each episode is an artful, yet erotic masterpiece.

Julian Harper

Sounds great, but don't burn yourself out, I know what it's like when you have loads of time to spend on something you love. Have some free time as well!

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 💗

Dracker Drap

Have a great vacation and don't burn yourself out Pinkcake! 💗

Aymeric Tual (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-27 18:18:23 Dear Sir PinkCake, as always, all seems totally perfect. And inside all this good news, I noticed a little something which made my day : New wallpapers background for the phone! I can't wait for changing my nice but a bit plain Josy's picture... Maybe allowing to add the recieved pictures would be fun... I wonder how many of us could choose to put our friend Derrek's mistaken present on the phone's screen? :D And tottaly selfishly, I hope we will have more Sally's content, I have a thing for the nerds. Even if Jill remain the best girl <3 Have great vacation, DrPinkcake, and don't forget to rest at least a bit, you deserve it. Thanks for all.
2019-06-30 01:37:19 Dear Sir PinkCake, as always, all seems totally perfect. And inside all this good news, I noticed a little something which made my day : New wallpapers background for the phone! I can't wait for changing my nice but a bit plain Josy's picture... Maybe allowing to add the recieved pictures would be fun... I wonder how many of us could choose to put our friend Derrek's mistaken present on the phone's screen? :D And tottaly selfishly, I hope we will have more Sally's content, I have a thing for the nerds. Even if Jill remain the best girl <3 Have great vacation, DrPinkcake, and don't forget to rest at least a bit, you deserve it. Thanks for all.

Dear Sir PinkCake, as always, all seems totally perfect. And inside all this good news, I noticed a little something which made my day : New wallpapers background for the phone! I can't wait for changing my nice but a bit plain Josy's picture... Maybe allowing to add the recieved pictures would be fun... I wonder how many of us could choose to put our friend Derrek's mistaken present on the phone's screen? :D And tottaly selfishly, I hope we will have more Sally's content, I have a thing for the nerds. Even if Jill remain the best girl <3 Have great vacation, DrPinkcake, and don't forget to rest at least a bit, you deserve it. Thanks for all.


I'm glad you liked that! I'm hoping to add more and more backgrounds to the phone with every update from now on. The backgrounds will be unlocked through different paths in the game, to ensure that you get a background from the girl(s) you're pursuing. It's just a cosmetic extra, but seeing your favorite girl when you're opening the phone is a nice thing so that's why I want some more variety of it. Although Sally isn't considered a side girl, I like her, too. She will definitely get more content in the future, as will several others in the cast of girls. The focus, however, will mostly be the official main and side girls. There's a long road ahead of us, I hope that most will be pleased with where it takes us. Thanks for the support!