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Hey maggot brothers, it's Friday!

Here's a short status update for this week.

First off, the winner of the cosmetic poll, that ended today, was option 3.

It won in each poll so I won't tally the exact results. It will be featured in Episode 2.

And with that poll, all polls for Episode 2: Maggot brothers are done! Thank you for participating.

This week I've worked hard on static renders and polishing the script.

In terms of static renders, 18 full scenes remain.

For animations, the completion is at 70%.

I have free-roams left to code as well.

The to-do list is shrinking day by day.

Since I decided to add about 30 more animations than I originally planned for, I can't say a release day yet.

This weekend is perfect for me. I have zero IRL obligations and can spend a lot of time in front of the monitor. I intend to work on the biggest scenes of the update, a lot of effort is needed  for these scenes due to a high character count.

Next week for my patreon page, I'll post some more preview renders.

Have a great weekend, I know I will! 


Dr PinkCake



Julian Harper

Can’t wait, really looking forward to seeing where this story goes.


your every status update makes me very impressed man, you are one that i look up to making my own thing. thanks for all of the effort you put into it, it's very appreciated


I know what that's like. I looked up to devs to when I started. Remember that you probably don't have the same equipment as those who have done this for a while, so start small and smart. Don't compare yourselves to others, do your own thing and love what you do.


Can’t wait, really looking forward to seeing where this story goes. you and your team do great work. I just became one of your supporters last night after i played the game i have supported a lout of others on here and i have to say the graphics are awesome KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.


just want to shout out and say thanks for the continued updates. one of the few devs who is this consistent with meaningful updates.


It's tough giving release dates so this is the least I can do to show how fast I'm going towards release. And I like doing these weekly updates too, it shows me that I'm moving forward even though it can feel like I stand still at times.


that's the thing isn't it, you want the quality, you want to be up there with the big boys but it's not possible at this point and could be very annoying and discouraging. i thin you right though, it has to be smart... cheers


Think outside of the box. Look at other games, what do they all do? Then you do something completely different.


exactly, because it starts to get crowded here.. it feels like everyone is doing it today and most of it is shit. updates are getting shorter, and the writing so mediocre that sometimes i stop to play in the middle of it. I miss good old AL days, im your greatest fan after that story, i love hard choices and the feel of the real thing and thats what im going for myself but i want to do it differently with the fresh as you said out of the box approach.