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This week went by fast. I had to work overtime, irl, for four days of the week due to a crisis, which really sucked. 

The PCs have been rendering non-stop, though.

~40% of the animations have been rendered (>2000 frames). Of the remaining 60%, ~50% of the animations have been put in the render queue and ~10% haven't been posed, yet.

The remaining animations to pose will be decided in the on-going poll for Cathy, which ends on Sunday.

After that, I will focus on static renders, free-roam and writing more dialogue.

I estimate the static render completion to be ~20% finished.

Script is somewhere around ~70%.

It's been about a month now since the first Episode was released. I'm not quite at the 50% completion mark for Episode 2 yet, which should give you an estimate of the total progress.

These big episodes take a lot more time and effort to create, but I'm positive this episode will be extremely fun and interesting in many different ways.

Soon I will post the first preview of Episode 2 for $15 patrons.

Next week another Cathy special render will be posted and some new non-animation related polls will be held.

There are only a few polls left for Episode 2 now.

Have a great weekend!

Now I'm going to grab a bottle of Pepsi Max and start the weekend with rendering some Isabella stuff.

Cheers DIKs

Dr PinkCake



Have a great weekend as well!


For a busy week you made a lot of things... Well organized.


Woohoo, Isabella!!! If episode 1 is any indication, it's going to be one hell of an episode!! Rock N Roll Doc!! =D