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Status update

It's been about two weeks since the release of the first episode and time really flies. I'll keep this update somewhat short as there's another thing I would like to chat about.

I've been working hard on the script this week, my fingers are almost bleeding from coding and writing dialogue. It's going to be another big episode; that's for sure. Since I'm new to doing big releases, I haven't got a frame of reference for the development cycle, yet.

I think that the script is somewhere around 70% completed and I'm having such a great time writing it. (Man, I really love creating this game.)

My PCs have been rendering animations for the better part of the week. In total, 9 animations are completed (one of which is 17 seconds) and the queue has 13 animations waiting to be rendered. All in all, I'm pushing at max speed as usual with 24/7 rendering.

There have been some interesting polls for Episode 2 this month and there will be many great polls in March. One poll will be deciding which one of these HOTties is HOTter...for reasons...

Other polls include which main girl will be featured in special renders of Episode 2, cosmetic polls and I will also release several previews of both the Episode itself and of Cathy who won the special render poll for side girls.

Voice acting survey

Now to a different subject.
This status update is also a brief survey about something that was partially included in Episode 1: Voice Acting.

I wanted to test it early on and see if it was well-received.

Day 1 of this Patreon page, before the release of Acting Lessons Episode 1, I set up voice acting as a patron goal. I had to remove it for several reasons, but it's always been something close to my heart.

I want to have voice acting in Being a DIK, and after finding several VAs, holding auditions and discussing pricing, I've come to the brutal realization that I can't afford it, yet.

If I implemented it fully now, I fear that I would end up writing less dialogue than I truly wanted to be able to afford it.

This is not me asking for more donations, but me asking what you, my supporters, think about voice acting for Being a DIK. It's your money, after all.

Is it something you want for the game?

I want to see if you feel the same as I do, or if you think I should prioritize developing the game first and adding VA later on. Please use the comment section to voice your additional thoughts.

Have a nice weekend!


Dr PinkCake



I chose "I would love it, but: In most similar projects I encountered voice acting, it was either only select characters, like in Episode1 here, or only the female characters, or a weird mix of both. I would love for projects like BaDik to have full voice acting, but partial voice acting I find distracting when you have to switch between reading and listening, as it interrupts the story flow or can even startle you if people start talking out of nowhere and others didn't before. So it might be out of the scope of this project, but I'm looking forward to a time when it might not be. In my humble opinion, VA should be around 10-15% of the overall production costs, if it's more, that would be disproportionate in my mind.


While nice in theory, I usually play at night when the wife and kiddies are in bed. Having an female character scream out "I''m Cumming!!!" Or "F**k Me!!!", would probably not be the way I want to wake them up.


HAHA! That made me laugh. Use headphones, then you would only have to deal with that awkward tap on your shoulder when they notice.

Alex K

In my opinion, partial voice acting really doesn't make much sense. Not to say that VLC didn't do a good job so far because she did, it's just not worth slowing progress or cutting content over if you're not able to sustain it. Also it might add a whole new layer of problems if players start thinking that a particular characters voice does not match the one they had in their heads from the start. TL;DR: Proceed as usual. Add voices for everything once you make $50k a month.


For me VA is nice - if it's really well done. If not, it does more harm than good. I think the effort is not worth it. If you feel like trying something new and dabble a bit in that area without much investment, maybe you could try a mood version with nonverbal sounds. Like laughter, sighing, grunts and such. I kinda like those - it adds personality and keeps the imagination working to flesh out the rest. But I'd be totally fine with a mute version

Bruce Vahl

I am thrilled that you are so enthusiastic about creating BADIK. You should be, since it is outstanding in every way! But about voice acting, I am currently listening to Rachmaninoff. Later, I plan to listen to Miles Davis. So, to me at least, voice acting can't compete. I've tried it one or two times (Daughter for Dessert), and never lasted more than a minute or two with it. Not to sound harsh, but to me it would be a waste of money that could be spent elsewhere. Sorry. But, to end on a positive note... BADIK is rapidly becoming one of my favorite games after only one release. It has a great story line, excellent development of characters one can easily empathize with, is wonderfully rendered, has beautiful girls, and (I hear from others) good music. So, please keep up the good work, VA or no!


I agree, I don't think it's necessary. The game is quite immersive, already, because of how good it is. The story is great, the renderings are great, etc. Still, if people vote in favor of it, so be it.


VA would only work if it's exceedingly well done. Otherwise, then how I imagine they sound in my mind actually works better - kind of like a good book. So, not worth the time/effort/resources, IMHO.

Dracker Drap

I don't think voice acting is necessary. While it is greatly appreciated, I'd rather development costs be put in to other pieces of production other than voice acting. Most of us probably have ideas of the voices of each character in our heads that weren't voice acted in Ep 1 anyways so it isn't much of a bother.


I'd vote that is not required for me to enjoy the game, but actually I've been surprised and I really loved it. There are very few games with VA but this is the only one which is kind of making the characters closer to the player. Also I think BaDIK could definetely be a huge help to let more people know about voice actors as VoiceLikeCandy. Honestly I don't see a good point in stopping VA in BaDIK, maybe you could use the option to mute it if needed, but if you had enough time to work on it so, why taking it of? This is a cool feature, a little style detail added to this future masterpiece and I'm sure it also has a good potential, depending on how far will go the VAs. This is my point of view, and the reason why "I would love for BaDIK to have VA" ;)


I don't care for VA at all. I like background noise, but VA is unnecessary, and in the worst case it might be counterproductive personally, as your imagination might figure the voice of the character as very different. The second problem is that people tend to read faster than a voice actor reads the lines, and it becomes redundant in a way.


VA was really great, an impressive change compared with the other thousand games.


Can you add the picture above to download?


<a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!vOYCiYKa!TQVWvLDVXMLGDZywTIR-8LhckOVKklQQKZWzAaM16m8 Here you go. Enjoy!


Hey DrPinkCake. I have just got round to playing the first part been away for awhile. Got to say its awesome, the graphics are the best I've see from an adult game, love the sound track too. I can tell you have put alot of hard work into your games. keep up the great work. looking forward to the second part.


Thank you! I'm having a blast developing the game. Thank you for the continued support! Truly appreciate it!


I don't think the VOs fit the quality of the game. I don't find them being able to add anything to your game. In fact when Isabella first spoke, I found it removed me a bit from the story. Maybe its the recording quality, miss casted actresses for characters or maybe the VO actresses just aren't talented enough to add to your game. Your other audio content is really fun, the music brings a nice touch, the punk stuff the mellow music all of it is good fun. Brings a smile to my face. Its your game, do what you think fits. I trust your judgment.


The main problem I have with VA as I've experienced it in visual novels is that only a few characters are voiced, and everyone else suffers by comparison. All or nothing, but given the budgets we're talking about, "all" would mean the quality would suffer to a point where it takes away from the experience.