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The to-do list is getting shorter every day...

Regarding renders, this week I prepared the final animations that are currently in the rendering queue. I believe the final count will be around 50 animations for Episode 1.

After that I have about 100-200 more static renders to do.

The script is 90-95% finished, so it's starting to shape up, but I haven't polished it yet.

The other big things left to do are framework related. Once I have all my renders, I'm putting together the free roam in a more complete form than it is at the moment. I'm not going to sugar-coat it, it's a lot of work. But it really adds value to the game.

I will also have to change a lot of placeholder art to a design that likely will stay the same throughout the rest of the game development. It's mostly buttons and icons, but still things that needs to be done before release.

Even if it may sound like I'm close to a release, I'm not quite there yet. The first updates of a new game always take longer time than the rest.

I don't want to stress a release either, as I want to deliver a polished experience from the start. Otherwise I will have to spend time afterwards to patch things, which will delay future episodes. I'm sure no one wants that.

My beta testers and proof reader will have 1-2 weeks to play and provide feedback on an almost finished version of the game. They are given this long time due the size of the episode, the binary size will hit 1 GB any day now.

No release date can be announced yet, but I'm positive that February/March is doable. The release will be on a Friday, as that gives me a chance to swiftly correct any major issues during the weekend.

Next week I will reveal the character design of Jill and give the remaining tiers their 4k wallpapers.

Have a nice weekend!

Dr PinkCake


Kevin Love

Just don't stress yourself Cake of Pinkness :) Can't wait to see what it's like though.