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This feeling is indescribable. Today I release a complete game.

I know I said 14 December, but you know me...I've never been able to wait for the dates I've announced. Thank the beta testers and proofreader for this.

This is a labor of love. I've worked many thousands of hours to complete this.

It's been such a fun journey with a lot of ups and downs, but this is it, the final release of Acting Lessons.

This game contains:

>5000 renders
217 animations
61 songs
30 sound effects

Those numbers baffle me...

The last render I did was of Liam; the character I love the most in this game. After it was done, I felt empty.

It dawned on me that this was really it. Sure, I can't wait to start the next adventure, but it still doesn't make this feel any different.

For 8.5 months this has been my life. Acting Lessons has been on my mind every single day since April.

It will take some time to get used to not writing dialogue for the cast; it feels like a part of me just died.

But I'm not sad, because I'm damned proud of what I have achieved.

The biggest feeling, though, is how thankful I am. I'm thankful for your generous support.

I'm not exaggerating when saying that this wouldn't have been possible without you, my patrons, because it wouldn't.

This hobby is so expensive that it's a miracle some developers can do this full-time.

So, thank you all. Really. THANK YOU! You helped me achieve a dream and motivated me to continue as a developer.

Now, Episode 8, and thus the complete game, is about to be released. Yes. Today.

If there ever was a time to download the full version with Extras, not the crunched version or the normal version, this would be it.

You will only get one chance to play it for the first time.

Do me a favor and just enjoy it slowly. Grab something nice to drink and seclude yourself.

Play the game with the music on, which has been carefully selected and just enjoy.

Now I'm going to open a bottle of Champagne, I know it's Monday but fuck it, and press that upload button one final time for Acting Lessons.

Cheers (literally)

Dr PinkCake


Kevin Love

Shut up and take my money :D


So proud to have watched the project grow and see it finish on a high note! Cheers Pink, have a great evening!






So, what's next :-)


Looking forward to finishing it! Congratulations!


So proud of u Doc , U fking did it. Im so lucky i was able to be a part of this incredible journey from the very beginning. ^^ enjoy that bottle of Champagne <3


Congrats and well done! Cheers!


A toast to DPC for finishing a story that made me feel on multiple levels! To many more of these! Gonna have to wait for later for this , i'm not ready yet.


Toast to the first AVN I ever played that actually made me laugh out loud (when it intended to) and to the first one that actually managed to bridge storytelling, well-written characters and lewdness pretty much flawlessly. Can't wait to see what else you create!


Congrats! I love your work, I love Melissa, thank for u hardwork. TT


It's an odd feeling. Congrats.


Well done Dr PinkCake. I've really enjoyed your game from the day I started to support you. I'm sure you have earned a good rest over the holiday season. I also agree Liam awesome, the stuff that he comes up with does make me laugh. Thank you once again. Also looking forward to your next game.


Congratulations, you have made something to be proud of.


Congrats man, you should consider yourself as one of the proud few who has actually finished a game. The story is grade A, and the art and design is top notch. Enjoy the holidays and pitch the next story come January.


I think the following phrase is as appropriate as it ever could be: It's better to have loved and lost - than never loved at all. Thank you DrP for this experience. I absolutely loved your vision and how you delivered it. CH8 was breathtakingly beautiful. Wow! What a great ending! This is so much more than just another adult VN. Congrats and thank you! I feel like your characters have become true friends of mine, and it breaks my heart to say goodbye when I closed the game. I don't think I could give any greater a compliment. Good luck on your next project. I hope you stay true to this format. It's something truly special.

Kobold Lad

Praise the Lord up in that debauchery filled place in the sky! Congrats on completing your first game, here's to many more.

Rob Northman

What a ride this was, an amazing work. Thanks for staying true to your vision instead of pandering to the crowd, it might turn some people away, but in the end it makes for a story that will be remembered, good or bad, rather than merely consumed.

Robert Maxwell

I love this game, I have only "Finished" one playthrough but I intend to finish with other choices too. Sadly my favorite part (of this episode) was the post credit scene - but still a great job all around!!!


Congrats man, this is a really good game. The Characters are really good and Its genuinely fun reading the lines. Heres to many more great Games! just...dont play with our hearts like you did in that fire chapter again, ok? ;D


Damn you for making me cry. Congrats dude. It's been an amazing journey. Can't wait to start BADIK.


Congrats on the great pro story Man we love it.

Robert Maxwell

OMG another playthrough, another satisfying ending, and a different post credits scene? Now I gotta try and find them all!

Percy PoAsDo

Ive been hyped for so long :o earlier release is like feelin christmas already. 😍 Cant wait to get all the endings :D


Thank you right back


thank you for this beautifull novel !!!


Take a bow , you deserve it . Your courage was rewarded and rightfully so .. thank you for all your hard work it’s very much appreciated- now take a break for yourself you’ve certainly earned it 🙂


hey man love your game been waiting for the finale release for 4 months now


Ok i have thought about this and i feel i should give you my honest oppinion now that you have had loads of positive feedback. The last couple of ep's killed the game for me. I played the last episode more out of a feeling of commitment to see the game to its end than a desire to do so. Last ep felt like one of those TV show fillers where they keep having flashbacks to what happened in previous episodes. The only time i felt "something" and cracked a smile (even though it was an easy guess) was when they both spoke out the name of the girl you were forced to sacrifice in the previous ep. I know this game is your story and all, but im not playing these games to feel like shit (to put it bluntly) - if i want depressing i can just go out my front door or browse facebook/the news. The positive take away is that the majority of episodes had amazing writing, overall quality and a level of humour seen in only very few other VNs. You set new standards, you truly did. Maybe that is also why the knife cut extra deep when you forced us to make that, honestly unacceptable, depressing sacrifice/choice the way you did. Like i said, you created something special and noone can take that away from you. However, i feel the game deserved a better ending - or rather better last episodes (and not alot of endings like you created/envisioned). My 2 cents before cancelling my pledge. Not like it matters anyway, but i wanted to support you early on and im sure others will (in abundance) take my place. Hell i may come back if you dont throw forced depressing choices in again in your new works. Best of luck from me and im positive you will make it big :)


I simply cant agree, I became a patron because of the professional quality of writing in this story, yes it was gut wrenching chapter 7 but that just set up for the exhilarating chapter 8. My only complaint was I got to attached to Megan and for first time ever in a game I felt guilty cheating and wished was a way to explore all the wonderful characters without having to cheat. I can understand frustration at that choice but if characters were not so well written it would not have mattered and for my 2 cents it was much better than been forced to break one of their hearts or to keep them both strung along. It was bad enough when i played Rena path and did it.


I don't know, I felt like a total prick and sad after playing Rina path, at least with fire I only felt sad,


Simply brilliant, Without the lows in life we can't fully appreciate the high points, it is this contrast that gives us perspective. Your artful writing demonstrated this truism perfectly. Thank You,


I have to agree - the Liam story was depressing but ended all happy - great. The Leah story was freaky but hey - she was a side light. The pick either Melissa or Megan TO LIVE was harsh. These games are meant to be fantasy - and realistic fantasy is GREAT. You write realistic fantasy and FUNNY stuff but having to have one fo the major female partner options DIE is too much.


I just finished AL today and I have to say best work I've ever played. So many emotions went through me. Awesome, amazing work Doc!


I loved the game too, though I feel like shit for not being able to save Megan.

Andy Preston

o my god , for the love of good please do a update or another chapter were both girls survive, it made me bloody tear up.but on a happy note , i loved the game it made me laugh and cry. and all the feelings inbetween,i;m glad im a patreon money well spent i think great fun indeed. well done looking forward to seeing and playing your next. thank you.


Damn. You made a grown man cry today. Acting Lessons hit me right in the feels, where it hurts the most. Bravo. I challenge you to do it again.


Agree, Please have an optional "We're moving to Utah" ending, you literally gave me PTSD with that last choice.


Love your VN, I just found it or I would have supported you the whole way through. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Melissa, Could you tell me what model she is? I must make her mine.


Damn... I just wanted to come and say a few words of praise (and maybe vent a little), because that was truly an emotional experience... When I had to make the big choice, that must have been one of the hardest things a game has ever asked me to do... Even though I already knew towards whom my personal preference lied, basing my decision on that would have been way too selfish. But in the end, it's only for so long you can sit and mope about your dilemma in that situation before you have to act, so in the end I stopped thinking, grabbed the one my instincts told me to grab, ran out and hoped I could live with myself the next day... I'll admit, the game got pretty dark there for a while... But I've maintained for a while that more important than how harsh the things that happen are, is how they're addressed. And this was a good example of something harsh being addressed with the appropriate amount of care. The journey may have been rougher at time than at others, but it was truly a journey worth taking, because you managed to pull us through and I emerged on the other side of it with a smile on my face, despite everything that happened. Which I have to give credit for, because it's not easy bumming the players so hard and have us still be glad for it when all is said and done... I should also say a good word about the consequences of our choices. As someone who's been dabbling with the idea of creating games myself, I've always found the prospect of dynamic storytelling that depends on player choices to present a bit of a challenge, but you pulled it off beautifully. Take Life is Strange for example; as much as I enjoyed that game, I couldn't help but feel like the final choice kinda wiped away all the previous ones. But here, even if the different endings followed a similar pattern, it actually mattered to me who I ended up with and how, what happened to Liam and who he ended up with, what the fate of each character was... It was actually really satisfying reaching the end and watching the consequences of our choices, it really felt like what we're seeing is the outcome of our own decisions. The only real regret I had on my first playthrough was sleeping with Ana (I just figured the guilt of having sex with her one last time would be less than the guilt of having her ruin Megan's career and thinking I could have done something). But then I went back and changed that choice, and got the really satisfying ending... :) I made my pledge a one time payment because as far as adult content goes, I'm not all that interested in games that don't have femdom in them (twisted as I am, after completing the game I actually came back to see if there was a Leah friendly ending :p). But my appreciation for a well written emotional story is making me reconsider that decision... You really have a talent, DrPinkCake, and I'll be keeping an eye on your future projects... Acting Lessons was a fun and moving emotional journey, and you should really be proud of what you created here. Cheers!


I love dis gam riyely im plye dat gam last scen im my choues to sew dat girld im saw thet melissa be cos im love dat


Bliant bro is a sacha emotional wards im plyeg to dis emostionl game bro n sadnly my decision is chang to melissa is best choice to me because is emostionl lif shis ashhol stepping father n dis reson to levin my all lif spendat n my bast bady pal Liam

Aura Y

I must say Acting Lessons is one of the most beautiful VN/games that I've played! I only had the opportunity to have played it once through. But I can already tell all the love and effort that went into creating it. It had so many emotions and awesome character moments. Thanks for making such a heartfelt and beautiful game. I know I'm late to the party, but much love!


DrPinkCake, I can't find words to express my gratitude, you have created a masterpiece. This work of yours left me stunned. I couldn't have ever even imagined something like this. You are a true genius. This art of yours literally made me cry, stirring my feelings like nothing could. Thanks a lot, will always be grateful to you. Love you.


Hi Dr PinkCake, i just wanted to say i really enjoyed Acting Lessons, the story of the game was top notch well done, i enjoyed every dialogue and interaction throught the game. The only thing i felt sad about was the ending of the game, hopefully in the future you decide to return to the character's in the game at a future date, say another 10-15 years down the track from where the game currently ends, i 'd really enjoy more story of the characters, what they got up to/relationship status etc. Perhaps after you complete the "Becoming a DIK" game we may be getting "Acting Lessons 2" that would be totally awesome.