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It's been a good week. I've ensured that the PCs are synched and work together by sharing files etc. I'm still rendering 24/7, but now on two PCs.

I've been doing a lot of animations this week and that will be the focus for next week as well.

Renders completed: 176
Animation count: 15 (7 unique)
Script: I haven't got a feeling of how far I've come yet. Maybe 30%. All I know is that there is a lot left to do.

Last month I said that Episode 7 wouldn't be released in October, yet it was. That's how hard it is to estimate game development for me. 

Now that I have two PCs to work with, it's even harder to estimate the time left on development. I need to get more experience working the way I'm doing at the moment to get a grasp of it. All I know is that I'm pumping out renders faster than ever before. 

I can't say Episode 8 will be a November release. I'm aiming to have it released before 2018 is over. 

To not make this post super short, let's end it with some new information about the upcoming game (With the working acronym: BADIK). The results from the survey regarding players' preferences were very interesting; some results were expected but I was also surprised.

I intend to listen to your preferences with the next game. So I have decided the following:

- The story will have plenty of choices, big and small.

- There will be a balance between story and sexual content.

- I'm going to show more of the MCs face than originally intended. (This result was a surprise to me.) I will still have a lot of POV scenes, but not shy away from interesting angles this time around. So let me present the MC you will embody in the new game. (No not Josy, the other model)

- It seems like no one enjoys mini-games unless they are rewarding, but also that 50% would skip those mini-games if given the option. As I want mini-games for a very specific purpose, that I can't reveal until you play the game, I will compromise. You will get the option to skip mini-games, getting the same results as if you completed the mini-game but you will miss out on unlocking special renders in a gallery found in the main menu. For players replaying the game, this skip option will likely be welcomed, but know that I aim to make the mini-games fun and not a grind. I've designed three minigames that will be included in the game, thus far.

- There is no doubt that a majority of players like animations. That's very good to hear, cause I will make a lot of them. I enjoy making them and I feel like I'm improving. I will skip the speed alteration concept that Acting Lessons has and instead do more angle variations per scene. It will take more time to render these animations, but thanks to all of you the second PC makes this possible. Really! I wouldn't do this if I didn't have that second PC. So every animation you watch from now on, pat yourself on the back with the other hand.

- A small majority of players play these types of games with music enabled. I'm so happy to hear this, because there goes a lot of effort into finding music with correct licenses that suit the scene. I'm going to add a soundtrack to the new game as well and I have already decided on the main theme of the game. Sneak listen to it here.

Thank you all for participating in the survey!

I'll end this post with a gif variant of Josy. I intend to have more dynamic renders like this one in the game, meaning that sex scenes won't be the only animated scenes.

Have a nice weekend!


Dr PinkCake



The next game sounds very good!!


Always a fan of your work Doc. Know that many of us love you. Take your time on this last episode. Make it everything you want it to be. I know personally I would rather have a kick ass episode I know you’re capable of, rather than a fast update! Love ya keep it going

Bruce Vahl

One of the reasons that players don't like to see the MC is that there are so few male models that are decent. The few that there are, are overused. This one looks decent. At least he doesn't look like a 5 ft, 13-year old.


I agree. I spent a great deal of time trying to make this model unique and non-punchable ^^