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I usually try to chat with people on Discord. I figured it could be fun to have a Q&A session where you can ask me anything you'd like, related to Acting Lessons, game development or the upcoming game.

I might not be able to answer all questions due to spoilers and/or quantity, but I will select the highest upvoted questions from this post and a special room dedicated for this purpose in the Acting Lessons discord.

So fire away what you want to know in the comment section of this post or upvote the questions you'd like to see answered.

This post will be for patrons only for a few days, if there are too few questions I will open the post to the public.

The questions and answers will be presented in a public post.

Cheers and have a nice weekend!

Dr PinkCake



first question, can you tell us how many chapter there will be on acting lessons ? (if you know the number already)


Can we get more Melissa? I feel like she deserves her own spin-off :-)


Is your next game going to be as depressing as AL? I need to know if I should evacuate myself already...


Do you have plans to add content like cosplay in your next game?


Knowing how popular Acting Lessons had become ( and also knowing what was to come ) and how players had developed an affinity to the characters in it were you ever tempted at all to change the story ?


Do you have any specific games that inspires you, both 18+ and otherwise?


Also, what do you think about Steam new policies about "porn games"? Do you think there is a future there?


Did it ever occur to you that the kind of people choosing to play Acting Lessons were people,who for whatever reason were choosing not to play some violent,dark or horrific game ( at least on appearances )? Do you not think that if even one person were playing the game for the soft,gentle tale it seemed might regret doing so - because the game it turned into might trigger them and the issues they were trying to escape from with the game? Would you do things differently now?


Why did you decide to have so few player choices in chapter seven? Will there be more player involvement ( dialogue and path choices) in the eighth episode?


Yeah bro Melissa DEFINITELY needs to be a character in another game. She’s too awesome


Do you do snus? :D


Will there be as many plot twists in your new game as there were in Acting Lessons?


Can we expect that next game will be more happy-ending type of game?

Bruce Vahl

Why did you tease your patrons with that preview of the fireman, which could only engender hope that both girls could be saved, when you KNEW that those hopes would be dashed in Episode 7? To me that seemed like a deliberate kick in the nuts to those who support you most.


Do you or does anyone else publish on your behalf on F95zone , content that is already displayed here as in game update news etc. ( stuff that is copy and pasted directly from this patreon )?


The MC's inability to save both girls, especially when having selected the athletic trait, left me with a bad taste in my mouth and was pretty bad writing. Were there no other options for leaving the one for the other?


Ok I think I figured it out - and it’s brilliant - but i’m not going to spoil it - but well done doc


I recently Played through Retrieving the Past, and the cross overs were mind blowing. Will there be anything like to come that in A8/ your new title? Cheers! P.S. Although A6/7 was a major plot twist, and hit me in the feels pretty hard, i like what you did with the story line. Personally love the twist