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Episode 7 status:
Script 98% (Waiting for animations to complete)
Renders completed 337 renders
Animations completed 2 (Equivalent to ~100 renders)

A handful of static renders and 10 unique animations are in the render queue.

It's been no problem keeping a 100% uptime on rendering this week, either. The quality of the renders are slightly higher than usual and some of the scenes take up to ~1.5 hours to render (normally, I seldom render for longer than 40 minutes).

The animations in the queue will take between 10-30 hours each to complete. I estimate that they will be done sometime by next weekend.

After the animations are completed, I'm almost finished with Episode 7.

For me, the time to complete all major branches in Episode 7, reading everything, was ~70 minutes.

To stay ahead of schedule, I started writing Episode 8 this week and I won't tell you any detailed information about it in this post, but it's going to be a big one in terms of workload. It's the finale, after all. Writing the conclusion to this game... I just can't describe the feeling of it. I'm finally writing the dialogue for the vision I had starting this project in April.

I plan to release information about Episode 8 and what you can expect from me in the future, once Episode 7 has been released.

Oh yeah... To answer the release date questions, an October release date is definitely on the table. I'm aiming to release Episode 7 on October 26th. I'll keep you updated if things change for the worse.

A huge warm thank you to all patrons for sticking with me this month not knowing if there would be a release or not! I don't find words to express my gratitude for that kind of support. So instead of words, here is a character reveal. Let me introduce you to Quinn.

 (The uncensored version can be found in the #patron-only room on the Acting Lessons Discord link)


Dr PinkCake



Excellent news - can’t wait