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Hi all!

I rarely do advertisement or shout outs. I don't like ads myself and I would never do it because somebody paid me or asked me to.

But this time is a special one, because I know that you will miss out on something special by not playing this game.

My good friend, beta tester and QA guy, is the developer of a game named "Retrieving The Past" and he just released an update for Chapter 3.

You can get it at his Patreon here:


And for your trouble of reading this shout out, here is a free preview render of Episode 6.


Dr PinkCake



Thank you


Have a nice weekend Ramsey!

Bruce Vahl

I heartily concur. This is a good VN, with gorgeous models, and high-quality renders and animations. I'm looking forward to playing this latest release.


Great recommendation and love how the two games are set in the same world.


I had played this game before, but hadn't realised the link between it and AL. Is this a new thing or was it pre-planned? :)


Well after playing RtP, I'd remembered the references to the uncle with the cabin and the concert tickets which gave me a little grin, so well played 😁


Take no prisoners Rena ! 👍


Thank you


Must confess that I tried RtP but did not care for it. The renders were well done and the story telling was compelling so I am certain the author certainly has great talent, however I avoid games with freakishly distorted anatomical features (male or female) as they simply look ludicrous.


I liked the game especially since there are some spoilers to your game in it. I thought that was very creative on both creators parts.