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Thanks Doc!! <3 :D CHEERS (c)


I love it!


Thank you


I do have one small complaint. Your writing has absolutely spoiled me lol. There's great writing and storytelling and then there's your writing. Just a whole nother level. It will be amazing when you get to the point you can do this full time and that time will definitely come ( if you choose). I wish Acting Lessons could go on forever. Just love every character and the emotion you put into each


Thank you, that was a nice complaint. :) I know many don't want to see AL end, but I'm pretty stoked for my upcoming project, too. I don't want to have a one hit wonder. I want to deliver a complete experience, and then on to the next. :D

david freeman

On the title of chapter 5, you use that word, I hope it does not mean what I think it means.

xRed Games

Hey DrPinkCake. Love what you're doing. Are you interested in a cross promotion? You can contact me on my e-mail address xredgames1@gmail.com Cheers and keep on the good work! :) 👍


i just want to say you are amazing. love your game. story is really good, you never know whats going happen next. can't wait for episode 6.


Hello DrPinkCake. If you are planning to add Russian localisation in your game I would like to help you with it. Please let me know if you are interested.