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During the day I've received several reports that players can't continue on their saved games. This is an important topic, especially as we progress further into the story and make several important choices along the way. 

How do you ensure game save compatibility?

The simple answer is:
Always save when you get the prompt in this image of the latest Episode.

Saving at this point, or later, will ensure that you can continue your game in the next episode.

Q: Can I make my old saves work?
Only if you play until the point in the picture above, using the previous version of the game, then saving and loading your game in the newest update.

Q: Why doesn't it work?
It doesn't work because I fix bugs, change dialogue, update renders, change music etc. in older episodes between updates. I can't make all saved games work, as the possible number of saved games are as many as there are lines of code in the project (>15000).

Q: Will it ever work?
A: It may work if you have saved at a place where I didn't make any changes. But as long as I'm releasing updates, this may be a recurring problem.

If you have any other questions regarding this matter, please comment and I will update my post with the answer.


Dr PinkCake



Thanks for the info. :D CHEERS (c)

