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I'm assuming everyone got this email, and not just creators, but these are some big changes.

The really big one is the second one. As a user, you can now sue Patreon directly without having to go through an "arbitration." Before, we all signed a ToS that stipulated that we would agree to settle our grievances with Patreon through that arbitration system. A system where Patreon pays all the fees, but the court basically favors them.   

It all went tits-up for Patreon when some right-wing talking head named Owen Benjamin was banned, and he decided to instruct his patrons to all request arbitration simultaneously. As they had been effectively "robbed" by Patreon of their favorite creator. I forget how many people, but like 100 or even 1000 requested arbitration. The system which Patreon had set up to protect itself from legal action now cost them a shitload of legal fees, as they had to pay for all these arbitrations.

Hence why they made it so you can no longer pull that stunt on them. However, now they are vulnerable to being sued directly by creators whom they ban. So, us controversial content creators are hoping that they will ride us a little less hard when it comes to the ToS... 

I'm not certain yet, though. Patreon is first and foremost beholden to Mastercard's highly strict rules about content that is permitted to be financed. They even got on my ass about that animation I did of the Frozen girls with huge dicks. I didn't even recall that they were sisters until I got the email threatening to suspend my account.

Also, hopefully Patreon doesn't just get sued into oblivion now lol!

I know this isn't our usual content, but I felt like I had to share and clarify what the implications are of this event.

Have some boobs if you've made it this far!



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