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Just noticed this exit survey. It's true that the people who commission me often provide me with references to copy. Sometimes other 3d animator's works. I just used them as a reference without a second thought, because I didn't want to disappoint the commissioner. I guess I should have realized that this will come across as ripping off the artists. 

Here's the example that they're probably responding to: 



Maybe I could make up for it by linking to the reference material from now on? 

For what it's worth, it's a minority of my creations that even use references.




IMHO, "ripping off" seems harsh. I'm not an artist so take this with a grain of salt but I don't think taking inspiration is ripping off but I could be wrong. More transparancy is better but you didnt just post someone else's work as your own. I don't know. Just my 2 cents.

Sock Chan

I always felt that was an awkward grey area so I try to use IRL or 2D references for 3D commissions since it puts an extra layer between them. I still don't think it's necessarily ripping off though unless it's for EVERYTHING you do.