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"This took way longer than I planned!", I said once I finished the lines. I told myself I will make up some time with simple colours and not much shading! 

You see that this plan failed... I was like half done when I remembered: "Hey, didn't I want to do simple colours.... and oh, it is the 19th of the month... Didn't you want to do at least one more sketch, finish the raffle pic for twitter and work on the Pokemon comic...? oh...."

Well now it is done and I will try my best next time to speed things up (not sure if I will do the next poll winner as a comic) 

Anyway, I hope you like it. I had a ton of fun doing it even if it took it's sweet time ^w^

You can find the full page in the the Dropbox folder since it is a more naughty one I just posted it as teaser.

(If you're not sure how to get your rewards look here)

The pics will stay up until:  31.08.2023
So save them if you want to keep them ;)




Gut Ding will Weile haben und ich find es kommt immer auf das Ergebnis an und die sind bei dir einfach Top 😁.


Great job!