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In Short:

  • Rosvo and Evee are very busy because of private reasons
  • A drone commission and Sailor Mercury is shooted and in editing at the moment
  • the plan for the cosplays is still:
    June: Rei Ayanami in maid dress, swimsuit and white plugsuit (latex)
    July: Ryuko Matoi in plugsuit design (latex)
    August: Clover (latex)
    September: Camie Utsushimi (sponsored by Kenjimbo)
  • Evee has to learn for oral exams (her very last exam) at the moment. Afterwards the next shoot will be done.
  • The set from June and before will not be published on Patreon.
    But if you were a Patron (in the right tier) at the time this set should have been online, you will get a PM from us with the download link.
    Example: You were in July a “Real Talker” then you get the PM with the Sailor Mercury, Rei Ayanami, Ryuko Matoi sets once they are done. 
  • All delayed sets that will not show up on Patreon get a Patreon-only discount code for the Gurmoad shop.
  • Evee has a break from her day job for the entire November. Be excited for more content in November!

In Long:

Hello everybody! How are you doing?

I passed my written exams *party* 

To be honest: It wasn’t as good as I wanted them to be. But with the whole Corona going on and the heat (damn at 3 days of my exams it was about 34°C) and all the online learning, I’m proud of myself. 

And I’m thankful to have such a patient community like you guys *start crying*

I know the September should be fuller with content. The least I can do is to give you all more info about what is going on in our life and what we’re planning to do.

What’s going on?

A lot. Social life is reawakening. A whole bunch of people wants to see and speak with me because I was gone for the whole world (except my study buddies) since February. Also, I have a lot of appointments and phone calls to make to order some issues (especially with doctors and insurances). 

I finished my exams in the mid of August. Short after the main water pipe of the house we’re living in broke. They laid a small emergency pipe from our neighbour but only a bit came out. That meant there was no wash machine and shower was a pain in the ass. #first_world_problem, I guess. 

To be honest this is very inconvenient but not the main problem. It turned out the broken pipe was still a lead pipe (which it should not be). Drinking German tap water is normally safe but not if the main pipe is out of lead. Our neighbour told us that he has probably the same pipe. That’s why we needed to manage some bottled water to cook with and to drink. Also, Rosvo spoke with the authorities and we needed an appointment at the doctor. She tested our blood and everything was ok for the most part, Rosvo’s blood showed very low lead traces, which should go away again. That was a real shock at first. In the meantime, the main pipe is repaired and replaced with a non-lead one. We sent a water test to the local water authorities. At the moment we’re waiting for the results just to make sure that the water is now 100% lead free.

At the same time our grandma decided to go into a home for senior citizens. Together with my father in law we are managing it all together. Last Thursday was the move. Now we have to sell or give away all the furniture she doesn’t need anymore. Plus, to end all contracts and all the legal things and all the little things on the way.

For sure one day after my last written exam I had to go to work again. That means I’m at day job again. 

My second monitor broke. But now I work with the one from Rosvo and I got two again. This is so helpful if it comes to edit photos.

Over all, we’re drowning in responsibilities at the moment. But it’s getting better with every day. 

And to be totally honest: I needed some days off. To play games or to make something fun (like a corona-save party with my study buddies). 

At the moment I have to learn for my oral exam next week. This will be my final exam after that no more studying! 

What is the working status?

We shoot the last Drone order.

We don’t accept new Drone orders at the moment. At least until the beginning of the next year. The order form is still visible but as soon as we got one, we inform via mail. 

The drone is in editing at the moment. The video part is a lot of work because it’s a whole story about at least 12 minutes with voice overlay. 

Sailor Mercury or Amy is shoot as well and needs to be edited. You saw perhaps the first peeks on Twitter and on our Discord.

The plan for the other months is still:

June: Rei Ayanami in maid dress, swimsuit and white plugsuit (latex)

July: Ryuko Matoi in plugsuit design (latex)

August: Clover (latex)

September: Camie Utsushimi (sponsored by Kenjimbo)

Rei is in progress to get shoot. This weekend I have to learn for my oral exam. Afterwards we will shoot the two minishoots (maid dress, swimsuit). 

We still have to decide what will come up in October. But we have a few cosplays in stock we want to do!

When and how will everything be published?

It needs some time sadly. I work every day a bit on everything. 

Not all delayed sets will be published on Patreon.

Now is September. That means the content from July, August and September would be up now. In conclusion Sailor Mercury and Rei Ayanami will not be published on Patreon.

If you were our Patron in the months where these sets would be available, you get a link via PM here on Patreon. 

For the ones of you who were not Patrons at that time I will publish a discount code for Gumroad. With it you can get all the mentioned sets a bit cheaper. 

At least I have some good news. Because of everything that is going on at the moment, I decided to take a break at my day job. Because of the change now from my studying to regular work I use the chance to make a break for the entire November. That means I don’t have a day job in November *yeah* (no worries about health insurance or others, everything is covered and thought of).

That also means that I can make a lot more in November.

Be excited for November then :D I want to slay my To-Do-List!


Jaegar Media

Keep on working hard and succeeding more and more! I am more happy for others success in life because I failed in mine, but I won't let that bum me out, I tried and failed so I can only cheer on for others!


To fail in live is a normal thing. Also Rosvo and I experienced it. The real success is to get up again and try to go on :D And you can do it! Thanks for your lovely words.


Thank you for the update. :)