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I'm so sorry I forgot to post these request roundups on the 1st of March, I'm so busy at the moment it just slipped my mind.

A new month is upon us, if you have any SFW requests for character's   I've voiced before, new character's you'd like me to voice,   generic boyfriend experience roleplay (BFE) or royalty setting,  specific  scenarios (which are more helpful to me than just a  character's name,  whether this be a sleep aid, coming out, feelings  confession etc),  please them below in the comments or in the  #audio-requests channel  in   my Discord! Please understand unlike the  fledgling tier NSFW  audios I  make no guarantees that any requests here  will be fulfilled, but if I  like one a lot and get inspired by it then  who knows. I  don't want  anyone getting upset or angry that their  request, or any  or all of the  requests, were not fulfilled.


Caitlin Mitchell

Alright *rubs hands together* I vote for more Orpheus, just like others. I love my precious Siren boy. I would very much enjoy the next Hero/Villain installment. I'm certain he's not dead but I would very much be relieved to have confirmation. I second the request for more Death, from Puss in Boots. I love him. I am also backing up that request for more Visiting King, however my request is slightly different. While I don't mind one of our siblings coming to 'rain on our parade' so to speak, I'd actually really like a sibling that's just really happy for us? One who was undeniably relieved when the king chose us, instead of them because they didn't actually want to marry him and was originally worried, but when he wanted us, they were relieved and happy? I just want at least one supportive sibling.


Well, now I want that Visiting King scenario too. I suppose no matter what happens I'll be happy!

Mara Koenck

The one thing I want More than ANYTHING else is an audio with Miguel, but this time, HE'S the one who's injured, who's hurt, and we're the ones to help patch him up and make him feel better. But I'd also love another thorin oakenshield audio. Thanks!