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I'm sorry for doing this, I hate announcing things and cancelling them, but some of you saw throughout Monday's stream I started getting sick and I definitely have some sort of flu or bad cold. I can't do much other than sit up in bed or lay down in bed at the moment. I don't think I'll be feeling better by the weekend, and even if I do I don't think it would be smart to exert myself by standing up singing on day on Saturday. And I don't think I'll be streaming on Friday either.

So the karaoke celebration stream will be pushed back a week to Saturday 27th of January. I hope I'm better by then. Audios will still be going up as normal as I always try and have a couple weeks recorded in advance in case something like me getting sick ever happens.

I'm sorry for the sudden change in schedule, I don't know how I got sick but I'm really not feeling well at all. Hopefully I'll be seeing you guys live next week.



Health comes first. I hope you feel better soon.


(Friendly tone) Glad you're practicing self care just please remember you voice might need a bit more rest. We can and will wait for you to be 100%. Feel better soon.