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We only hit 7k two weeks ago what is this?!??! Thank you all so much. I  know most of this has come from the new royalty audios and while they  are both de-monetised by Youtube without any explanation, I'm so happy  they've brought so many new people in!

Confession time: I made, for the first time, some year end goals at the  beginning of this year. I've been aiming for 500 Twitch followers, 200  Patrons... and 10k Youtube subscribers. And I kept it private because I  thought they were too high, espeically the 10k for Youtube one... but  you guys just gave me 1k subscribers in two weeks. So maybe this is all  possible. We're currently at 490 on Twitch (where we play games and  explore weird websites on Fridays, and we use Magma so I can draw with  you guys on the same canvas on Saturdays), 246 Patrons, and now 8014 on  Youtube. 10k by the end of the year suddenly looks possible and I am so  grateful to you all.

I'm happy the royalty audios have been so well-received, I plan to keep  making them frequently alongside the regular original character and  fandom audios. I've been changing up my Twitch streams by recently  switching out from solo art streams on Fridays to playing games and  exploring interesting, weird or old websites (eg old flash games, ARGs,  picrews and more) and so far have only explored one website and I'm  excited to explore more, but after I finish the game I'm currently  streaming which is American McGee's Alice, a game I loved as a teen but  never got the chance to play myself so now am fulfilling a little  childhood nostalgic dream. And I'm so glad we've got people always  showing up in stream and keeping me company, streaming for me is not a  career it's just a fun hobby that allows me to socialise because I don't  get to see friends IRL often. And the sudden increase in Patrons these  last two months has been amazing! Thank you! Patreon is the biggest  chunk of my income and you're money goes towards my rent and saving up  to move out of my parents house and get my own place where I keep making  content more freely. And I want to give an additional thank you to  everyone who's been buying off my Etsy shop, I've been running it for 6  years now and the last couple years it's been declining in sales, and  then these last couple months have been crazy! I've been selling so many  Baldur's Gate stickers (honk) so thank you all so much!

As always with every 1k subscribers it means I will make a 1 hour long  sleep aid video chosen from your requests. Usually I tally all the  comments up and pick the most popular, unless it's a character that I've  already done recently for a sleep aid. For example, the most requested  character for the 7k sleep aid was Ambrose and Arden but I just did them  for the 5k sleep aid, so instead I've picked the second most requested  character, which I'll keep a surprise until that video goes up in a  couple weeks. So get your requests in for who you'd like to lull you to  sleep for an hour, it can be a fandom character, one of my original  characters, or a generic boyfriend or royalty audio. Leave them in the  comments below! And thank you all again so much! All of your support,  whether you're a Patron, commissioning audios off me, watching my Twitch  streams, leaving comments, or just silently supporting and watching my  videos, it all helps me keep creating and, honestly, to survive. So  thank you.

I know this got long. I'm really not good at not rambling.


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