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Woah... Thank you guys so much! I've now reached 5k subscribers on Youtube. It feels... a little surreal to be half way towards 10k. I know I've said it before, but being able to have these audios as part of my income through Youtube and Patreon has been life changing and I hope this community continues to grow. I'm currently hoping my income gets to enough per month that I can move out of my parents and able to record more freely and be in a place that's better for my mental health.   

As always I have a 1 hour long sleep aid special for every 1k subscribers so if you have any requests for what character to do it with, or any extra things to include, feel free to drop requests in the comments below!



Congratulations Prince on reaching 5k! Absolutely deserve it! 🎉 I would love a Morpheus/Dream or even Pitch hour long sleep audio. The deep voices are super soothing and really do help me feel relaxed. They will surely easily put me to sleep! 😊


Congratulations!! 🌟 I’d love a Morpheus/Dream or Ambrose sleep audio! Both have very soothing and comforting voices to me ☺️