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A new month is upon us with means I need you all to send requests in for   this month's exclusive NSFW audio by commenting on this post or  sending  them in the #fledgling-requests Discord channel. As always this  can be  for a character I've voiced before, a character I haven't,  fandom, oc,  or non-character specific (e.g. my royalty kink audios). At  least one  audio per month will be chosen from Patreon requests, the  other might be  or may be from older requests or my own ideas.



Another request that would be cool to have in the future, (if you like the idea) is Viktor x Listener "first time" NSFW. Like hot but also fluff! ❤️


Something with Matt Murdock (daredevil)


omg ive never thought of this!! i hope he's seen daredevil bc he would totally nail a good soft dom matt