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I feel sort of at a loss of what to do with these audios. I'm very glad I've had one request each month, but asking if this was a good idea and you all being on bored and then getting very few requests sort of backs me into a corner where I have to choose the one request I've gotten regardless of if I have ideas for it or am super comfortable doing it. So, what do you guys want? If you're too shy to make a request please don't be. Or are you okay with me sometimes choosing the nsfw audio's subject matter myself, rather than picking from requests if I get no requests or if I don't like or am not comfortable with any of the requests I've been given?



Well definitely, and I can’t speak for everyone here obviously, but personally I think you should allow yourself to have that creative control as a creator, especially when it comes to not having a good pool of requests to choose from regularly. I totally get wanting to appease an audience and cater to us, but if you aren’t getting enough regular requests (especially ones within your comfort zone) then I think you shouldn’t limit yourself to just requests, ya know? You should feel free to create, work on past OCs, create new ones, introduce new characters you’re fond of, etc. If you just aren’t feeling the ones you’ve gotten then you just aren’t and that is absolutely valid. Uphold your boundaries, always. That being said; I may not be great at thinking up things myself, because I love everything you put out and bless our ears with, but I would quite love to see more content of your OCs! Like Ambrose or the werewolf boy! I don’t have any type of scenarios in my head at the moment, but I’d love to see you put out something that you’re passionate about in a nsfw setting that maybe you haven’t done before. Or even something you have done before and allow yourself to dive into it more. Basically I want you to tap into your creative control and allow yourself to do something YOU would like to do. Let that passionate fire blaze, whatever that may look like for you.


Thank you very much. I think that's exactly what I needed to hear 💖 I think I'll say that the exclusive nsfw audio will be chosen between requests and my own ideas.