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First, thank you all for being so patient, you have no idea how wonderful you all are. Many of you already know the situation I'm going through with my dad's illness and well, he's not getting any better. Last week he was at the hospital and got released last Monday. But, it seems he might be getting back at the hospital again very soon. Why? Because his left lung keeps filling up with fluids and his oxygenation goes down to VERY dangerous levels. He weights now 98 lbs and can't hardly walk anymore. He just gets out of the hospital and has to go back in just a matter of days. 

This is why things have been slow this month. But I'm working hard on these days when he's not at the hospital. I'll get to you drawings eventually, I just need you to remain patient. I'm not going to stop my work. Drawing helps me to cope with all this.


King Arthur

Sorry to hear that. Prayin for you man, good luck and God speed.