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My dad's okay, which it seems like a Christmas miracle because last week he was in such bad shape that we though we were going to lose him anytime. He was hospitalized two weeks ago due to water in his lungs, and he was fine when he was admitted, although a little out of breath. While in the hospital he got worse and worse. He couldn't walk, he was saying incoherent things and forgetting stuff and he was getting very skinny. He was getting his dialysis treatment in the hospital, but it seems they weren't doing it correctly, because last week, when he got discharged from the hospital we called an ambulance so they could take him to the dialysis center he frequently goes to, and I don't know what they did but he came back home doing much better. He was walking, talking normal and he even had an appetite. 

The thing is, that he's back to normal and I don't have to do much for him except cook for him. Which means, I'll continue my work on all these drawings. This will put another delay, but if I ever feel too overwhelmed with work I'll just stop payment for a month, but for now I'll leave it as is and see what happens. 



I'm so grateful to hear that your dad is okay. I pray that nothing suddenly happens to him again and that he stays in good health. No worries about delays, as family always comes first no matter what. Do what you can and try not to stress yourself when drawing.

Alizar Kazam

I'm so happy he's alright