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Sorry if I have been a bit absent everywhere lately, but I haven't been feeling well and to make things worse, my mom's blood pressure has been acting weird. It's either too high or too low. I have to constantly monitor her blood pressure to make sure it doesn't go to either extreme. Last Friday we had to take her to the ER because her pressure was too high and she had a bad headache. Thank goodness they brought it down and back to normal very quickly.

Because of this I haven't been able to draw much lately. I am working on your commissions, but not as much as I would like. There might be a slight delay on the delivery of your commissions. I hope you understand :(

So, I'm going to go now and post a few things here and at my other accounts :) There's a new drawing I'll be posting here in a bit. Hope you all like it :3


Python Blue

Don’t worry about it. Hope for the best for you and your mother.


No problemo, Feel better!


how you doing Bakameganekko? We havent heard from you from quite a bit D:


I’ve been extremely busy lately between taking care of my mom, working on all these commissions, doing chores, taking my mom to her doctors appointments, etc, I haven’t had much time to socialize much here or anywhere 😓