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This week's episode of Cold Take is now available! 


Fatigued by the Numbers | Cold Take

The numbers, Frost! What do the numbers mean? Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup Second Wind Merch Store: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/second-wind



He included the funny, naughty number *giggles in middle schooler*

Eating Pancakes Right Now

I feel character animation is a better damage indicator than numbers. Like the Jackles in Halo

Nick Stevens

An excellent take. Not just related to this video, but I absolutely LOVE how the Second Wind team has been enabled to dig into not just whether they find a game good or not, but the mechanics behind the games. It makes me think about my own play habits and has actually led to me playing a lot more games than I used to because I can better identify the games I'm likely to get engrossed in. Thank you - not just for your excellent work but for re-sparking a beloved pastime for me!


Wasn't expecting to see PoE footage on Second Wind! IMO definitely a game that deserves a deep dive of some kind - GGG are doing some really interesting shit from a design perspective that no-one is really talking about aside from people who already play it