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It's finally time for a BRAND-NEW episode of Adventure is Nigh!

We're giving you a bunch of advance on this one to set a reminder for tomorrow morning at 11 AM CT for the premiere of the first brand-new episode of Adventure is Nigh since we reacquired the rights to it from Gamurs!

This is a big moment for the team, as we're incredibly lucky to be able to continue making this show, wrap-up Season 3, and we leave the first week of March to film Season 4.

Thank you for supporting us and helping to keep this show going!

We hope you love it.


Break A Few Eggs | Adventure is Nigh! - The Liar, The Witch and The Wartorn

This episode of Adventure is Nigh is brought to you by: Tales from the Red Dragon Inn - https://slugfestgames.com/tales Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures - https://battlezoo.com/ Foundry VTT - https://foundryvtt.com/ Dice Envy - http://diceenvy.com/adventureisnigh For some reason... it felt like it took a LONG time to get to this heist. Mortimer and Daberella weave their way through lies, stealth, subterfuge, and Castle Guards. On the other side of Castle Sasha, Grinderbin and Sigmar have to deal with something even more frightening... Eggilier Frostbones. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup Second Wind Merch Store: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/second-wind



YASSSSS. Though, I'm also waiting for seasons one and two to be re-released.


KC and Jesse are being trained on Adventure is Nigh animation to work on them! They'll be arriving after Season 3 is done!

Brian S

So stoked for this! I could never have believed that you would get the rights to the show, but you somehow pulled it off. Great work!


Will you ever release the previous seasons?


Yes, we are remastering them right now to bring the art and animation quality up. Coming after Season 3 wraps.


That episode was worth the wait.


Absolutely loved this one. Egalere losing her shit in the courtyard made me lose mine (as in I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard)

Hidalgo Riveria

Great episode, a real credit to the whole team!


Amazing return! Best episode to date.