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On this week’s episode of Windbreaker, Marty, Frost, and Nick discuss the sunk-cost fallacy of finishing games... even if you're not enjoying them.



Bark Flemmingrad

I've been getting better at dropping games when i'm not having fun, I try to go in to games now thinking I will keep playing them until I stop having fun instead of until I roll credits. Considering how cheap and accessible so many games are now there's no reason to play games you don't enjoy.


Regarding the convo about live service/short indie/AAA games, I think they can all form part of a balanced diet. I tend to have 0-1 AAA game going at any point in time, 0-1 live service/never-ending game, and then sprinkle indie and retro games into my days like spices. Gaming for me is always a question of mood and time; if I have a good 4 hour stretch in a dark room with no distractions, and my mind is not busy, time for AAA. If it's a rainy afternoon and I have an hour or two to kill, time for an indie or something retro on the SteamDeck. If I want to play something while listening to a podcast, I'll pick Path of Exile or some other grindy live service game.