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Starting tomorrow, and after taking feedback from Premium Discord, YouTube Community Tab and Patreon, we are going to be moving our livestreams back to the main channel and discontinuing the use of the Second Wind LIVE channel for the time-being.   

We will continue using Twitch as well.  We have had some logistical issues running the LIVE channel, including being able to promote to our main audience, having to manually track our funding goals because it's split between two channels, and in general, there's been audience confusion of where we're streaming and where we're not.   

So, we're just going to simplify things back to one channel, but DON'T WORRY, we are not going to flood your sub / home feed with streams.  

After streams (this doesn't include podcasts) air on Second Wind, they will be unlisted and categorized by their respective playlists. To watch the VOD of the streams, you will need to go their respective playlist after it's done airing. 

We want to keep your sub / home feeds uncluttered and focused on our scripted content, so this is our best way of doing that.   

We're aware some will be displeased with this change, but there's no solution that will please everyone and for the good of the business, we believe this is the right call to make to both simplify things and make sure we're growing our live audience.  

If you have a Membership on the LIVE channel, consider moving to the Main channel if you don't have a membership there yet, and feel free to cancel your Membership on the LIVE channel as we make this change.  

Thank you!  

Nick Calandra 




I get wanting to simplify, and understand your decision. Hope it works out for you from a channel success perspective. For me though, this does mean I'm turning off the bell to get no longer get notifications on the main channel. I'll be much more likely to tune out the channel due to the added noise, hopefully it doesn't become to much of an issue. Best of luck.


Totally get how having two channels to manage can be tiresome so no worries. Was nice to be able to go to a single channel for VODs but now I'll just have to click through a couple menus to get to them, think I'll live lol.

Eric McKenney

Seems like the best decision available with how yt and patreon work. Thanks for the update.

Bark Flemmingrad

this sounds good, honestly i think the most important thing is just sticking to this decision now because changing where streams and stuff go multiple times will get confusing

Grey 0815

As someone who watches the streams after they have been aired, this change kind of sucks. I preferred seeing all listed streams and see in one list what I have watched and what not. Having to search through playlists for the content I would like to watch is not ideal...