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Wanted to take a moment before the team closes up shop for the holidays to thank everyone for the crazy amount of support that was shown towards myself and the Second Wind team over the last few weeks. Having The Escapist ripped out from under us was terrifying and I’ve only just gotten to process it.

I put an unhealthy amount of my time and life into rebuilding that brand. It was the thing I was most proud of in my life at the time, and so getting tossed to the wind after all that work… well, it took over a month to let those emotions out is what I’ll say on that.

But with Second Wind now underway, the team and I couldn’t be happier with how things have turned out.

The amount of support has been unexpected and incredible, and knowing how differently this all could have gone means none of us will ever take this opportunity for granted.

To my team that either got fired or followed me out the door - thank you for sticking by me and believing in not only me, but each other that we can do this. We built something special together, and I’m thankful every day that we’re getting the opportunity to continue that.

To everyone that has supported us monetarily, shared our work, or just left us a message of support. Thank you.

The past month has been stressful obviously, but your excitement and encouragement has far outweighed the stress and pushed us forward.

We’re taking the 23rd of December - 1st of January off, but we’re excited to get 2024 started! We have a few more videos scheduled to go out during break, but for the most part we are pencils down!

Thank you for believing in us and putting your support in us to give us our second wind.


Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of Second Wind 



Enjoy a well deserved break you guys!


Have a lovely time for yourselves and/or your loved ones. Now more than ever, you should enjoy it! Looking forward to the countless hours of entertainment next year ❤️


Enjoy your break, guys. Go. Recharge. Do what you've gotta. Come back fresh and ready to own. We're all excited for it too!


Thank you, Nick. You guys deserve this and I hope you all have a happy holiday and a happy new year. You guys are way better off and so much more happier and more free to do what you want than at "The Magazine that Shall NotBe Named"


Merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Merry Christmas Second Wind! Happy Holidays! You have impressed all of us with your resilience and the new content and we are all looking forward to next year. This is where you are all supposed to be.

Bruce Wayne

Are we gonna get a top/bottom/blandest 5 of 2023?

walt m

HERE! HERE! *raises glass in a toast*


Happy and relaxing holidays to everybody!


“Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words And never stops - at all - And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - I’ve heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me. -Emily Dickinson


You definitely deserve a break. All of you have done a great job, and this includes the people strictly behind the scenes. It takes a lot of work to do this stuff and we appreciate it.


I see Nick is still occasionally using his old Escapist title rather than his new Second Wind one of Content Director.


Waiting on the Kickstarter... I wanna give you guys an unreasonable amount of my money


Enjoy it! Thanks for the content


Have you guys ever done anything with Adam Millard - The Architect of Games? I feel like his vibe fits your vibes.


I've been watching Zero Punctuation since I was 9 years old, there was absolutely no way I wouldn't follow Yahtzee wherever he went and supporting him as he does. Keep making the content guys ♥️