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Today I'm very proud to be able to share with you our first month revenue report on Second Wind. 

This was a promise we made at launch that we would be transparent with our numbers, with this first month revenue report, and then quarterly after that, with a full annual report at the end of 2024.

You're helping fund a big independent media organization of 10 full-time people + freelancers, and as our audience, you deserve to know where your money is going.

I also personally think it's important for people to learn more about how media orgs run, and the cost it takes to make the content you enjoy. I hope this transparency and revenue report gives you confidence in what you're funding, and also sets a bar for others to follow in being transparent with fan-funding.

Defector Media has really been a North Star for us in building Second Wind and how to operate a fan-funded business, so all credit to them for their transparency and leading the way on this.

We've had a really strong start in our first month... much stronger than any of us could have anticipated really. Once our merch numbers come in at the end of December, the story will become even clearer as we head into 2024.

Thank you all for your incredible support! The team has been humbled by it, and we're excited to really get the gears rolling this month and into 2024!

Nick Calandra
Director of Content



ryan evans

creators being this transparency is so refreshing to see, and I'm overjoyed that the community has come together like this and everyone is being paid properly. great start and loving the content.
