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Today we're excited to debut Semi-Ramblomatic which is Yahtzee's new every other week essay show on games and industry topics!

Fully Ramblomatic will return next week and be weekly on Wednesday's going forward.

We're still locking down our release schedule for our series, so expect that to all fall into place at the start of the new year.


The Difficulty Paradox | Semi-Ramblomatic

Today we're excited to premiere Semi-Ramblomatic from Yahtzee Croshaw, a new video-essay show focused on game design and industry topics! New episodes every other week. From the team behind The Escapist, we're excited to introduce you to our new employee-owned and fully independent outlet, Second Wind. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup Merch! https://sharkrobot.com/collections/second-wind



Everything being put out right now is more or less exactly the content I was looking for. Keep up the good work.


One mistake people make in discussions like this is assuming that every player has the same use case. Maybe I want to play Mirage because I enjoy the AC vibe and I don't really care for a challenge, because I've played through all the AC games and while I enjoyed stealth challenge early on, I've got the gist now and would rather just see the overall vibe/story. Or maybe I've played all the AC games and want a serious challenge from each one, and don't really care about the story. Maybe I'm new to AC and want a moderate challenge because I generally enjoy moderate challenges. Does Mirage have to meet all those needs? No, but it should be honest about what kind of game it is, rather than attempting to build a hype wave that the game will be all things to all people.


Question on Yahtzee's front: Will he still be doing Best/Worst/Bland games (though not worded exactly like that) at the end of the year? It's a nice wrap up for a year of reviewed games but I always found it helpful for things I may have missed that was worth checking out.

My Wet Rooster

During one of their livestreams, he said that it would come back, though - as you said - it will be given a different name.

Max Jackson

Video isnt working for me, is there going to be another fully ramblomatic?