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Hey folks!

Lots of questions coming in about why your name isn't in the credits in the videos released yesterday and today. 

We had to render out the credits on Tuesday of this week to make sure our videos were ready to go, so if your name isn't included currently that's why. We had set the cut-off point for Tuesday at 7 PM CT to make sure we had everything ready to go.

Going forward we will update the credits in our videos on the 1st of the month, every month, otherwise we'd have to update the credits every day to keep up at this rate!

Thanks all!

Nick Calandra
Director of Content



I started my patreon the day it opened, but the trial was probably over after that Tuesday I assume, ohhhh well love you guys and glad to support

Wally Hackenslacker

"Director of Content"? I was actually expecting Nick to sign his messages as "Big Man" like Yahtzee said in the welcome stream 😜

Zhon Lord

Yeah, I think the 7-day trial period messed with a lot of people's expected charge dates, changing the credits result in turn. It won't be an issue next month regardless.


Can you check mailbag tier wasn't skipped? I've been a member since the 8th (paid up, since I moved up from sponsor-free to mailbag same day so "lost" the free trial) but aren't in the credits. Seen a few other folks on the discord say the same and they also seem to be mailbag. Appreciate the transparency


Are there already plans for the new iteration of slightly sth else podcast? If so, when can we expect it? I had to resort to re-listening to old ones :D

ryan evans

So am I right in thinking you will no longer be included in the credits unless you are at the appropriate sub level ? (I totally understand as it would be nigh on impossible to add everyone unless the credits where an hour long)


We add everyone in $10 and above to the credits, that hasn't changed. We just have to have a cut-off date this month to get those credits rendered out and into the videos cause there's thousands of people now haha.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-17 16:14:32 Thanks for the update Nick, just upped my membership. The columns are such a good read and honestly finding everything really easy to digest.
2023-11-17 16:09:02 Thanks for the update Nick, just upped my membership. The columns are such a good read and honestly finding all the content really easy to digest.

Thanks for the update Nick, just upped my membership. The columns are such a good read and honestly finding all the content really easy to digest.


Monthly updates sound fair. Kinda sad that i was too late to get on the list for the first few videos, but i'll get over it - what matters is that you keep posting videos <3

Shawna Canon

Personally, the credits mention doesn't matter to me, so it's not a big deal if you have to cut it or whatever for some reason. But I did want to ask if there's a way to update what name we're credited as when it is listed? (Without having to change our display name across all of Patreon.)


With how many people are listed, really the only easy way for this to happen is to change your Patreon name unfortunately.