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Hey folks,

Just a few quick updates as we start the first official week of content on Second Wind!

1. We update our Credits list once a month on the 1st for our videos. The cut-off to be included in this month's credit section will be tonight, November 13th at 7 PM CT. If you were planning to join the Patreon at the $10 tier or above, if you're not signed up by that time tonight, your name will not show up in the credits until the week of December 1st.

2. As we've noted, the Patreon was not supposed to launch when it did (but we're glad it did now!). We're still working with Shark Robot on designs and getting things setup. For those of you in the Phoenix tier, your first merch discount code is planned for next month.

3. We are also working with them on more designs, more products... we have so many ideas for cool things you'd actually use and wear so stay tuned!

4. The response to Darren Mooney's first column on here was so positive that we're going to expand on that a bit as Darren loves to write. So going forward, every Monday AND Friday, you'll be getting a column from Darren Mooney now at the $10 tier. We're also looking at other writers in our team that might be a good fit for premium columns here on Patreon.

5. This week is the start of our Premium content line-up! On Wednesday you get Fully Ramblomatic from Yahtzee, Design Delve on Thursday from JM8 and Cold Take on Friday from Frost. This is not our official schedule, we'll release that later, this is just getting our first set of shows out the door! All of our premium videos release at 11 AM CT.

6. See this post for an update on our Early Access model - $5 Tier Update - Dropping Early Access Model, Replacing with Ad-Free Podcasts & Columns | Patreon

7. We are planning to run a Kickstarter campaign in early December. The goal of this campaign will be to raise funds to cover our first year of salaries that we lost, get us the money we need to get insurance set up, along with other business-related expenses (trademarks, licenses, etc). It will also guarantee that we have a war chest of funds and that we are sustainable for the future!

As a group, we are not in this for the profit. We just want to make cool things and be comfortable doing it, and we are well on our way to making that a reality.

Thank you,
Nick Calandra
Director of Content



Sounds good! Thanks for the update.


I just learned about the Escapist debacle today and now I'm signed up. Good job to everyone who supported Nick! I'm glad to see quality creators sticking together.