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Hey folks!

We're super excited to have you here early. The page wasn't quite ready yet, but sleuths found the Patreon almost immediately after announcing and so we went ahead and put it out there for the early birds wanting to sign-up right away which is A LOT of you.

I can't believe the amount of support we've received over the last 24 hours. The entire team is in awe, and we're excited to get right back to work on the content you've come to know and love from us.

Obviously we have some work to do on getting this page ready including graphics, descriptions, Patreon video, etc. All in the works, so stay tuned.

Tomorrow at 11 AM CT, Yahtzee and I will be live to discuss our plans for Second Wind, along with going over what happened, and when you can expect the first videos to drop!

And don't worry, streams and podcasts are coming back too. We'll have a second channel just for that just like you've always wanted back on The Escapist.

Excited for all of you to be on the ground floor of this new adventure with us, and thank you so much for believing and supporting us. We'll continue the vision we built with The Escapist here on Second Wind.

- Nick Calandra
Content Director



been obsessed with zero punctuation since they talked about it on attack of the show back in 2008.


Glad to see you all following in Commander Sterling's footsteps in going independent! I wish it could've been under better circumstances, but either way you have my support.


Hell yeah we love a worker owned game journalism company I'm sure this is a hell of a lot of work to start up but love y'all are doing this


Hope you guys stay strong grew up with you guys since I was 18 I'm now 28 have grown but always checked in for games I liked but will definitely support since you entertained me for hours


Really excited to be supporting this new venture. Congratulations to Nick and the whole team for taking this big, new step. Looking forward to the cool stuff to come!


Really thrilled to see you all launch this endeavour so quickly. I'm proud to support you guys and will do so for as long as I'm able. Been watching ZP since Yahtzee used to use copyrighted music in the intro; vividly remember "A little less conversation, a little more action please" at the start of the Mass Effect review. How very dare thee! Haha. The Escapist will miss you all, but on to the future... Long live Second Wind!


it's all i can manage at the moment, but i've joined the £1 tier. Hope you guys keep this momentum going ^^.


Huge fan of Design Delve, the documentaries, ZP, Cold Take, and the 3MR's. I bought Tunic because of the 3MR and had a blast. Excited to see the team continuing to create great content! 💪


Looking forwards to hoodies!


supporting max tier! *Braveheart yell* FREEEEEEEDOM!


What are the plans for DnD content? Could, perhaps, a new Adventure be Nigh?