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The Acolyte Turns Star Wars' Nostalgic Gaze Towards the Prequels | The Backdrop

Darren Mooney observes the shifting gaze of Star Wars nostaliga in The Acolyte. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup Second Wind Merch Store: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/second-wind


Jonny Johansson

Aah, nostalgia; Jack pre razor, and anticipating the Mr.Plinkett takes on films more than the movies themselves.


Personally I wouldn´t call The Acolyte fine. The Acting is good, the sets are nice, the costumes are (mostly) great. I certainly agree on that. But the script is just so awful. It comes across as really amateurish. Drags down all the other aspects. I do appreciate that the prequel era gets more of a focus. But i would like something more competent and bit more substance. Won´t be holding my breath for it though.