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This week's episode of Fully Ramblomatic is now available!


Selaco | Fully Ramblomatic

This week on Fully Ramblomatic, Yahtzee reviewed Selaco. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup Second Wind Merch Store: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/second-wind


Silly Ivan

The mildly-critical review that caused an absolute ROW with the developer of the game and its fans. Amazing how deeply offended they were by that quip about the art style when Yahtzee mostly had praise for the game. Ah, well. Hope you take a crack at Turbo Overkill someday, Yahtz!


Yahtzee, you're not wrong about your criticism. I think the good for outweighs the bad, though I play on lower graphical settings. It may help improve one's experience to turn down the particle effects. I am a a Patreon backer on SELACO. Thanks for picking it up and analyzing it. It's healthy to have the flaws pointed out. I don't miss the winging on and on about story taking a back seat. It feels like SELACO encourages me to actually use my brain.


Has this caused a row? It hasn't been mentioned in the Discord as far as I can see.