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This week's episode of Fully Ramblomatic is now available!


Stellar Blade | Fully Ramblomatic

This week on Fully Ramblomatic, Yahtzee reviewed Stellar Blade. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup Second Wind Merch Store: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/second-wind


Sven F.

you ve been DressedUpDoll


I feel dumber merely from watching the review of this game. I think playing this would shift a person a full standard deviation down the IQ scale. Thanks for taking one for the team, Yatz.

Dave Van Domelen

No Stella Star for that body pillow.


Yahtz is a bit off here, most progressives aren't saying that the game "objectifies" women, it was actually the alt-right dipshits that started this first going "ZOMG the libs gon be triggered by muh sexy womenz" and the rest of us normal people were were just indifferent to the whole thing, I think Eve looks fine and i'm not bothered by her appearance but I get why some people are tired of female characters that look like supermodels. If there is an issue with Eve's appearance it's that it feels very out of place with the actual game itself considering how seriously it takes itself and how morose the tone is overall, it's lacking the fun of games like Bayonetta and Lollipop Chainsaw.