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Please, Stop with All the Menus | Unpacked

This video is brought to you by Ground Branch, out now in Early Access on Steam: https://bit.ly/GROUND_BRANCH This week on Unpacked, Nick wants devs to stop putting him in menus all the dang time. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup Second Wind Merch Store: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/second-wind



I definitely agree that I'd like modern GoW more if the weapons visually upgraded as you used them rather than changing out look. The different outfits would be lost in the fog but A: as cool as they are, it'd probably make the game cheaper to produce so that's a plus and B: they could still be added as cosmetic options instead if they absolutely needed to be implemented. But then we'd probably be charged for them in that case so idk if that's really the way to go about it. As for unlocking skills and the like, I totally appreciate the perspective. Minimize the time people spend not engaging with the primary gameplay loop to maximize the fun people are having with it. But I also think that unlocking different skills and expanding the player's options as they go through helps keep the game fresh. Otherwise they fall into a pattern and get bored quickly. There's a way to do it to do both, I'm sure of that, but I don't think we should outright remove unlocking skills and attacks altogether.

Adam Heikkila

He didn't say get rid of upgrades altogether, he's saying we used to be better at the implementation. The new GoW could have had all the upgrades and armor without having you scrounge for materials and sift through menus, it used to be more organic to the gameplay. My only gripe about the new games is all the incrementalism employed, they'd have been 10s if I didn't spend half my time in menus.

Tim Wilson

Now I’m not necessarily on the side of massive menus, but normally when I see them it’s in a big ol’ JRPG or something like Disco Elysium. And when I’m not, I don’t tend to see massive menus. Especially with the GOW example being so prominent, it kinda seems like you’re unhappy with the direction the game went because yes, it has a narrative focus but it’s also an action game that allows for a lot of different builds and a full rouge-lite dlc section, not a pure action game anymore in the vein of DMC. It doesn’t seem especially out of place in the games you mentioned, and it’s not like Bayonetta 3 now has 50 menus to update each high heel or something. I’ll also mention that Final Fantasy 2 had a system where stats upgraded naturally based on what you did in battle and it kinda sucked, hence the return and maintaining of the other systems.