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Hey folks!

We've been a little light on premium content and communication over the last few weeks due to traveling for our Adventure is Nigh shoot and then GDC this week!

So if we've been a little behind on video uploads, podcasts uploads and such, it's cause we've been extra busy and that's all thanks to you!

Filming of Season 4 of Adventure is Nigh went fantastic and we've just wrapped GDC filming as well. You'll be getting diaries from Yahtzee and JM8 on the games they checked out while at the show soonish because there's embargoes on a lot of it.

We'll also be announcing the dates for our charity event in April in the next week or so as we look to give something back to the community for all the support we've received since starting this new adventure a few months ago.

Then May is our SIX MONTH anniversary already, and so we'll be doing something cool for that. Crazy how fast time has flown by, but Second Wind is just getting started and we've got some really fun stuff on the way for you.

Thank you!

Nick Calandra



Thanks for the update.

Brian S

Hey Nick, thanks for the update. I’m really looking forward to seeing what all of you did at GDC, and of course AIN season 4.

Andrew Kent

Yo Nick are the Pods from this past week gonna go up on the feed soon, or should we just watch off Youtube? I think I'm missing both a Firelink and Windbreakers.