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I recommend watching these on the Discord, as patreon only has low res low fps .gif for media.

All movement for the protagonist are now coded and animated!
More movement options will be unlock with latter chapter but for chapter 1, it'll have: -Standard 8 direction arrow key movement
-"A" for jumping with adjustable height depending on how long you hold the key
-"S" for attacking, 3 hit combo, with the 3rd strike dealing double damage. You can also deflect projectile if you time an attack carefully.
-"D" for dodging, renders the player invincible for 40 frames (0.6 seconds), can also be used to extend horizontal jumping
-Wall jump, self explanatory. Can be performed multiple times.
-Air attack, can be triggered once after leaving the ground and pressing "S" mid air, if you hit an enemy it'll give you a little bounce upwards.

That's the basic gameplay, I still have to make some more enemies and properly build the levels but hopefully you get the idea. You'll also notice that there's some physic involve! There's destroyable environment for both puzzle purposes and to interact with the environment.

Progress is going well, more news to come!





Crimson Flare

KitKnight is looking good! Keep up the great work!


Love the protagonist's design, and gotta say I appreciate the choice in his preferred weapon: the hammer is really an underappreciated weapon (outside of unrealistically huge dwarven mjollnirs or mauls), a fast armor-cracking bludgeon and my favorite weapon in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.


True, it's rare to see it especially for main protagonist. 1 hand war hammers are my favorite melee weapon, I love their design. Plus it gives a bit of an excuse of using a blunt weapon to knock out enemies instead of killing them, even though it would do serious damage in real life.