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Fun fact; The Tangles puppet model has 106 possible emotion to use during her dialogue.
All that to say a lot of work went into her and the rest of Matchmakers Inc, and it feels really strange to finally put a bow on the whole thing after 2 years and a half, and all that without missing a single deadline.
I'm sure you all know how rare it is for lewd patreon games to have stable development let alone get a proper ending.
I'm happy with the project. The final is exactly how I wanted the project to end, on a happy note that didn't overstayed it's welcome. I hope you've enjoyed it, I certainly did.

I'm taking a huge risk by ending a profitable, stable series that I've grown comfortable with and throwing myself into the new and bigger project that is KitKnight.
But hey, Matchmakers was also a huge risk compared to just doing simple commissions and never learning the difficult skills required to make games.
The new thing might fail, but it also might just become something special as well, and I think that's worth a shot.  
I hope to see you there for that, I've got so many ideas I want to bring to life.
Take care,

Episode 14 Chanlog:

-Added The Tangles final
-Fixed typos
-Fixed Tangles and fluttershy bug where their eyelids would disappear for a second before blinking,
-Fixed bug where skip certain scene would trigger the teleporter animation
-Some optimization and compression to make the game run better




Well, it was quite a ride. LOVE this game!


I love the shaky breathing and moaning from Tangles. Super hot.


What version of “I don’t wanna miss a thing” is that?


Can anyone tell me how to download and make it run in mobile (Android)


i cant skip