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Episode 13, Pinkie!  
This episode is a pretty emotional one, So be ready for some big tears!
The voice was once again provided by the talented Kumbomb!

And that's 6 for 6 on the ponies, and I got to wrap it all up in a pretty satisfying way!
I must say, I'm really happy I managed to do all the ponies. During production I was always quite worried that I would get a C&D or take down notice but I guess we got lucky! What good fortune!

Next episode will be the conclusion of Matchmakers Inc
Tangles will get her turn, finally.

As always, let me know if you spot bugs, typos, or simply want to tell me what you think about the game.

Episode 13 Chanlog:

-Added the Pinkie file to the Story!
-Fixed a lot of typos
-Re-wrote the Rouge and Fluttershy episode so they only had one boss fight instead of two
-Lots of optimization and compression to make the game run better
-Added unique boss fights to the characters that didn't have one (Tutorial, Charizard, Rouge, Fluttershy, Guilmon and Froppy)




Wow, What a fantastical piece of art, this episode was the best one by far

Thy Doctor

the exe doesn't run for me, do I need something other than the file posted here?


Make sure that your system is up to date and doesn't have any pending updates. Also note that this is a PC game and won't work on other devices.

Thy Doctor

just fixed all the updates I could find, I assume you mean windows updates. and I'm currently using a pc. is there supposed to be an icon for the exe? because all I see is the blank file icon or whatever it's called xd. any idea?


Not really, you should be able to double click the .exe and the game should start. Maybe try re-downloading it?

Thy Doctor

thanks for the quick response, I'll try again but I've done both the public and the patreon version twice now. might have extremely bad luck xd does the exe have a distinct icon? in that case I'll just keep trying on my end until it shows ^^

Thy Doctor

fifth times the charm aparently xd think there was some problem when downloading it from megaupload, cheers m8!