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I know how scary it is to see those words on an artist's page, don't worry it's all good news lol.
Just wanted to keep you up to speed with what's going on with me and my work!

As some of you know, your man Bigus has been building a house with his own two hands for the past 4 months. It's not a small house either, that boy big.
It's hard work especially with with the double shift of construction work during the day and drawing during the night, but I honestly love it.
Making money drawing and then pouring it into my dream home, watching it appear from nothing, is a total blast.
Big thanks to all of you for the support and commissions that allow me to do all of this!
Couldn't do it without you.

-House is about 65% done according to my bank, we're starting drywall as soon as the electrician and internet guys are done setting their stuff up. Then it's finishing touches. Should move in around the end of October if all goes well.

-I'm putting together a team will continue like usual, about a page every week or so. There's 2 girls left and an epilogue so about 25 to 40 pages I'd say. It will be turned into a physical comic too.

-Max love will start again as soon as the house is done, my audio recording gear is packed in my grandma's attic and I don't want to take on big projects/do VA around my parents(currently living there) until the house is finished

-Kitknight is unfortunately going to be put back in my head for quite a bit. I do hope to do it one day as it is my dream project but I don't thing I'm ready to tackle something of that scale yet. When I'm financially secured and can dedicate a year or two to it we'll see.

-I'll be focusing on comms and short animations (15sec to 1m30) like Fox heat, the toriel ass spread and vanilla pounding until the house is done since they are easy to make and make good income.

That's all for now, I'll keep up the good work, take care!



Whale Tunnel

dam wish i had your energy. that hard work pay off at the end and i hope you enjoy every bit of it

Tim Newbeck

I don't envy you Bigus, I don't mean that in a mean way, but in the way of someone who has worked in that industry before. Depending on where you live, all the permits and red tape. 🤢


Took me a year and a half and 12k of paperwork before I was allowed to build