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Hello Everyone,

I apologize for not being very active in the last week. As I mentioned before, I am preparing to become a father, and we are just a few days away from the due date (in other words, it could happen at any moment).

My previous apartment was too small for one more person, so I had to start looking for a new one where little Mr. Black would feel comfortable. At the moment, I am in the process of moving. And to be honest, it feels like a mini apocalypse because I need to sort out my things (I was sure I had much less stuff, lol). Some things need to be thrown away, and some can be donated. Anyone who has experienced moving will understand.

Given all of this, my working hours are currently limited, and I will return to full-time development as soon as I finish these tasks.

Thank you for your understanding and support - Stay Tuned!




Heck yeah congrats on the little one!

chad monk

Congrats on being a father


Congratz for the Little Mr. Black! 😊 I have a due date on June 13 and I am in the same situation as you, it is very stressful. Let's hope for the best! 🤗


Go man! Keep going on!


Congratulations on becoming a father, your child will brighten your life


Yay, keep up the good work!


Congratulation to be a father soon. It will be light in your life. Slavia Ucraina


Congratulations my friend :-) I will put a special thought for your family to stay safe :-)


This is big news- very happy for you. I hope that you and your family stay safe.