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Hello Everyone! 

While I'm polishing the 0.9.27 release of The Last Barbarian, I want to share with everyone my latest HDRP demo.  

Path of The Witch is Public! [Mega] [GDrive]  

Also, if you missed it, here are my previous HDRP demos that are also available for Everyone!

Animation Practice [Mega] [Google Drive]

The Sudden Guest video [Mega] [Google Drive]

The Last Barbarian HD scenes [Mega] [Google Drive]

The Hall of Shame experience [GDrive]

TLB Big Reward [GDrive]

Stay Tuned!

These are the prototypes build. So, you might run into some problems.


Path of the Witch Walkthrough SFW

This is walktrough of Path of the Witch quest. The project page: https://www.patreon.com/posts/witch-path-hdrp-74044980


Pally Ganker

How do I open the cabinet in path of the witch?


If i run Path of The Witch, i can go to the second room, put the herbs into the boiled water, pull the leaver and than the Girl comes out of the cabinet, if I try to talk to her the Unity Player crashes, if I try to go back to the previous room instead of talking to the girl the Unity Player crashes as well. I use the Windows Version.